Chapter 14: Stabbed In The Heart

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Step after step, I listened as Sophie came up the steps. I knew the sound that her feet made and there was no one else who could make them. She was moving abnormally slow though. Had something happened to her as well, had she also seen the demon? I couldn't help but have the questions go through one side of my head and out the other while my eyes continued to stare at Sophie's diary. As hard as I tried to pry them away they wouldn't move and outside the room, I heard Sophie reach the landing.

It was only a matter of seconds now till she'd walk in and see me. Listening to each step I waited until I saw her turn around the corner. Something was wrong. Her body was shaking and her movements were abrupt and slow. Like a monster, her head slowly turned to face me and immediately I could see her lips were blue as if she was freezing and then with a desperate look she stared at me as her shivering lips opened ever so slightly.

"Help me." She managed to breathe before she suddenly collapsed on the ground.

Throwing the diary down it bounced and hit the floor. My body had been freed by whatever was holding me back as I ran to Sophie's aid. Immediately I dropped to my knees and reached for her body while my fingers touched her skin and I instantly got a chill. Her skin was cold to the touch and I started to fear for her.

"Why are you so cold?" I muttered as I put her back down for a second on the floor and rubbed my hand together to build up some heat.

"I. Don't. Know. I'm. So. Cold." Her body started to shake more and I knew I had to act fast.

I have to do something fast. I thought to myself as I looked back out at the hall. I could use the shower but that might be too much of a shock if she gets too hot, there has to be something else. Looking around some more there was only one other option. The bed. My hands were warming up and it was now or never as Sophie's body only became more spastic. I rolled her over quickly and then slide my arms under her knees and under her arms, and we looked like a couple just recently married. However, her body was continuing to drop in temperature and the chill was starting to race up my arms.

Thankfully the bed wasn't far as I practically ran to it and immediately tossed her on the bed, her body bouncing on the mattress. Before lying completely still. My arms remained cold as I hurried around the room trying to find as many blankets and things to cover her up with. Spending only seconds, I found what I needed and wrapped her up and then slid under the covers with her. Using my own body heat I wrapped myself around her as we spooned and I could truly feel how cold she was.

The freezing feeling filled my body now but she was slowly starting to warm up. She was still shaking though as I absorbed most of the cold in her body. It was intense and she hardly spoke, then in a flash, everything started to warm up. Our frozen bodies finally allowed us to move as Sophie's teeth stopped chattering.

"Thanks, I thought I was going to freeze to death." She quietly spoke, as I rubbed her shoulders.

"No problem, but what made you so cold," I asked curiously as we separated slightly from one another.

"I don't know I just kinda blacked out, I heard a whisper I think and then everything got really cold. Then all I could think about was getting back to you." She admitted and I sat there and looked at her.

"Well, I'm glad you did." I smiled and she curled up closer.

Did she see me reading her diary? I thought to myself as I looked over at the edge of the bed. The laptop was waiting to be logged into as we laid there, and I reached over and pulled it to us as we both sat up now under the immense amount of blankets, and I handed the computer over to Sophie. Her fingers raced across the keyboard as she logged herself in before starting the search for a solution as I watched over her shoulder when I was suddenly hit with a pungent smell.

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