Chapter 2: It's Watching

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I stood there shocked my body unable to move. Whatever it was, was still close and I was a sitting duck in these four walls, as it stalked the perimeter. I didn't know what to do, my mind telling me that if I just saw it, then maybe I'd be satisfied but even then that was to dangerous in case it caught me. I needed some form of backup. Looking around the room, my eyes focused on the chair over to my side, and then at the little table beside it. The landline phone was sitting there fully charged. I quickly crawled over and pulled the phone out of it's charging station, then returned to the corner hidden again to hide in the shadows.

I started dialling in the three digits, each electronic beep from the buttons seemed to only be getting louder with each one I pressed. It was three simple numbers and when they were all typed in I finally felt some sort of relief as I hit the talk button.

The phone started to ring and then stop. Ring and then stop. The wait was killing me as I constantly felt like there was something still watching me. My eyes raced from one side of the room to the other my heart maintaining its fast rhythm until there was a response on the phone.

"Hello nine one one, what's your emergency." The operator on the other side spoke as I held the phone close to my ear.

"Hello, yes I think someone's trying to break into my house. I saw them looking into my window." I panicked while whispering into the phone.

"Alright sir, do you have a description of the individual?" The monotone operator asked again.

"No. All I could see was the shadow of them looking at me through my window." I answered while my eyes scanned the room again.

"Alright sir, please stay on the line as we dispatch someone to your location." The operator spoke and all I could do was sit there and wait.

The police headquarters was thankfully only five minutes away, so the wait wouldn't be long. Only it was starting to feel like an eternity as I sat in the corner. This wasn't like me, I was cold, dark and mysterious, I shouldn't be this scared. Only that was a shell and shells can only bare so much until they break like everything else and that was where I was at now. My breaking point, and I was no longer going to listen to my brain. I needed to see what this thing was, and as I got back to my feet. My body went numb.

Step after step I got closer to the edge of the window. My senses were becoming overwhelmed as I got to the spot where I saw the shadow. I slowly leaned toward the glass and then looked down the road as far as I could both ways. There was nothing out there. Even where the thing was standing before, there was now no sign of it. Is it really gone? Did I survive it's attack? I thought to myself while continuing to look back and forth quickly. Until I looked back down the left side of the road, and I could see red and blue lights alternating rapidly and then a police cruiser appeared outside and illuminated the entire street. I was safe. I ran to the front door and unlocked it as quickly as I could while the police officers came up the steps. Opening the outer door, I frantically stepped out to greet them.

"Thank you for coming officers." I relieved sigh left my body as I greeted them.

"What seems to be the problem here?" The one officer asked.

"I think someone was trying to break into my house. I'm home alone and saw this figuring standing across the street." I explained to them as the one officer took down the information.

"Okay, do you mind if you walk me around the property, while my partner stays at the front here?" The leading officer asked as I nodded.

The two of us began walking around outside checking every little area and then the space between the houses. All seemed normal as the officer flashed his flashlight into the tight crevices. He took a few notes as he finished up the search and then looked at me with doubting eyes.

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