Chapter 11: The Basement

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I turned to look back at her, and watched as she joined me at my side. I could see in her eyes that she was getting tired. She was rubbing her eyes with one hand while she curled up against my arm, and we stood in the middle of the living room. Toby found solace in his cat tower now and the room went silent, Other then the rhythmic tapping of hail.

"It's romantic isn't it?" Sophie tiredly spoke.

"Yea it is," I replied calmly for once.

The sound of the hail bursting as it slammed into the ground bursting on impact echoed around the house now. I prayed that if Death was out there that the falling ice would have some effect on them but I didn't want to tell that to Sophie.

"Can we sleep up here tonight? Like a campout?" She asked and I actually didn't mind the thought since it would be nice to have both exits close by.

"Sure, but we'll have to go get the blankets from the basement," I answered and the look of concern that I had gotten rid of had now found its way back onto her face again.

"But you should never go in the basement when there's monster's around." She was hesitant.

"C'mon we can do this, this isn't a horror movie this is just going down some stairs and right back up." I tried to reassure her.

In my mind, it reminded me off when I was a kid, and turning the light off and running up the stairs since I didn't know if there were creatures in the dark. Only now there actually seemed to be some merit to my worries.

"Fine. I guess I'm in then."

"Well let's go," I responded and took her hand as we briskly walked to the staircase that led to the basement.

Halfway down the steps, the abyss took over. It blanketed everything in shadows and hid whatever was waiting for us behind a veil. Holding Sophie's hand, I immediately felt her grip tighten while her nails dug into my hand. There was nothing that would make her separate from me now as we began our descent. The sound of the hail continued as it bounced off the house. It could be heard from everywhere as we took each step in stride, trying our best not to hesitate.

Getting to the landing at the bottom of the stairs we immediately turned around the corner and headed down to the lowest floor of the house. The shadows didn't let up though, and we were walking blind. Sophie reached into her pocket and pulls out her phone, and turned on the flashlight. The lowest level illuminated as we walked down the last set of steps and finally made it to my bedroom door. Turning the knob, I pushed the door open while Sophie followed me with the light and partially illuminated the room. It was empty, just the way I left it.

Going to flick the light switch on. I was shocked by Its simple click with no result, while Sophie watched in anticipation. With the lights not turning on, I was starting to get angry. Not even thinking I wound back and I threw a punch at the wall before I tried the light switch again. Still nothing.

"Shit, the storm must have blown a fuse or something. We don't have any power other than the bathroom upstairs." I frustratedly sighed as I looked over at Sophie.

She blinded me with the light on her phone as I looked off to the side but all I could see was her look of worry."

"No, we need power, my phone's literally about to die." She quickly added and if it was actually a horror movie the light started to dim until there was nothing.

We were plunged into darkness and tension quickly filled the room. My phone was back upstairs I remembered as I was practically defenseless. We had one option however and that was to use an exterior source. Looking at the wall the thin line of light shined past the black curtain that hung on the window, and we had no other choice, we needed to open it so we could see. I stood on my tiptoes and slid the curtain over a little bit, getting my first glance at the outside world. Thankfully there was nothing there when suddenly a hail ball flew down and exploded against the glass. It made me flinch for a moment before I continued to slide the curtain open which exposed us to the outside.

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