Chapter 6: Passion

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I didn't know why we were both crying. It just seemed right at that moment, but it wasn't a happy cry like when we started dating. This one was more distraught. I tried not to look at her as I felt tears fill my eyes, and I didn't know what this meant for us. All I knew was I needed to get out of the car and follow her orders. Pulling the handle, the door popped open and I turned to climb out when suddenly I felt Sophie grab my wrist.

My body hesitated to move. My head struggling to turn and look at her as the tears continued to roll down my face. I was damaged and I didn't want her to see that. However her grip on my wrist only got tighter as I felt her nails starting to dig into my flesh. Yet I still couldn't turn to look at her. I hated seeing her hurt and the sight of her would just break me even more.

"Please don't leave." She whispered quietly as the crying interrupted her speech.

Hearing her saddened words broke me even more then looking at her ever could. Like a breath of air my body shut down as I sat back in the seat and turned to look at her. The makeup that was so elegant and precisely placed on her face was now smearing, and running down her cheeks. Her eyes were now bloodshot as she wrapped her arms around me like a sad child. The centre console keeping our lower half apart but our faces gently touched each other.

Her hands raced along my cheeks as she sucked back her sadness and looked into my eyes. Her pupils begged to look into mine. Neither of us had to say anything as our mouths attacked each other. The softness of her lips met mine as tears continued to roll down our faces. We only could hold a kiss for a couple seconds until the crying made us pull apart briefly. The fact was we relied on each other and fights like these were never supposed to happen, but I understood where she was coming from.

Pulling away from the kiss again I looked at her sad face. For a brief moment, everything remained calm as I watched her move her arm again and then in a blink of an eye, I felt a sharp pain race through my face as the sound of flesh getting smacked filled the car. My head was forced one way as a stinging sensation made my face feel like pins and needles. She had just slapped me and I couldn't believe it as I put a hand against my cheek.

"Did you just slap me?" I asked confused as I felt another set of tears roll down my face.

"Yes, it made me feel better." She quietly stated and for some odd reason it brought a smile to my face.

"Why are you smiling? Is slapping like a weird thing you like that I didn't know about, because I'll gladly do it again?" A small smile found residence on her face as she joked.

"No I just like it when you smile, even if that means I have to endure some pain." I answered and the smile on her face only grew larger.

I caressed her cheek with my other hand and tried to wipe away some of the makeup on her face like the night when we first became official. Except I was only making it worse and smudged it to the point that it started to look more like warpaint then make up. Taking my hand away from her face, I admired my thumb which had a large amount of her makeup on it.

"Did you fix my makeup for me?" She smiled and I looked into her eyes.

"No I just made it worse." I answered sadly but yet she kept her smile.

"Well let's go inside then if that's the case." Her words caught me off guard as she grabbed the handle to her door and opened it up and started climbing out of the car.

I watched for a minute still trying to figure out what happened as she walked around the front of the vehicle, where she stopped and looked at me through the windshield. The next thing I knew I was getting out of the car myself and joined her at the front of the old beater where she took my hand and gently kissed my cheek as we walked up to the front door of the house.

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