Chapter 10: Not Alone

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Our flesh remained pressed together as we stood there in total darkness. The passion still heavy between us, but it was being attacked with this new sense of fear. I couldn't see Sophie's face at this point, however I could feel heat from her breath as it brushed against my cheek. The shower continued to berate the tiles as a crack of thunder shook the house, making Sophie bury her head against my chest.

"Was that thunder?" She asked while her voice trembled with fear.

She wasn't one to actually enjoy a thunderstorm. The sound made her cringe and tense up. She had never told me why storms scared her, but I also never thought to ask. This, however, didn't seem like the appropriate time as I held her still shaking body close to me.

"Yea, I think so," I answered as I reached over and shut the water off.

The sound of water hitting the tiles faded as an eerie silence took its place in the room. Neither of us moved as we listened and another sudden crack of thunder tore open the sky. In my arms, I could feel Sophie still shaking and I knew it wasn't out of pleasure anymore. I had to get her out of here, and somewhere more relaxing. Kissing her forehead before I stepped out of the shower and wrapping a towel around my waist, I reached over and pulled the second towel off the hanger and handed it to Sophie when she stepped out of the shower. Wrapping it around her body she stood beside me and her shaking slowly started to subside.

"Thank you." She said as her voice started recovering from the fear that was now racing through her.

"C'mon let's see if we can get some lights on in here," I wasn't thinking as I tried to flip the switch, only it was already in the on position. "Right no power."

"Here. I think I might have something." Sophie answered as she crouched down and rummaged through her duffle bag.

I opened the door to the bathroom to try and get a little more light in to help Sophie's search. Sophie stood back up and in her hands were two candles and a lighter. Placing one on either side of the counter, she stood back and held her towel with one hand and attempted to strike the flame. She gave it a couple attempts as sparks flew out, finally on the third attempt the flame comes to life and illuminated the darkness. The dancing flame immediately my attention as I watched the girl methodically light the wicks in the wax.

In the blink of an eye, two flames danced back and forth as Sophie put the lighter back into her bag and the room filled with an orange glow. Finally able to see again I walked up behind Sophie and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck as she tilted her head giving me a bigger area. While I kissed her, she placed her hands on mine and I enjoyed the feeling of her warm touch as I left my mark on her neck. In my mind, I thought I was distracting her but something else must have had her attention.

"Owen. Stop." She whispered quietly.

"What? don't you like it when I kiss your neck?" I flirted with her giving her another kiss.

"No, it's not that, look." Her words were confusing as I took my lips away from her neck and looked ahead into the mirror.

My eyes lit up instantly as I saw what she was seeing. The words I'm watching you were written into the condensation, and I hoped the orange glow of the candles was giving the fog the red tint on the mirror. Not hesitating, Sophie broke away from my grasp and spun around so that she was looking directly into my eyes. A look of concern was on her face.

"Please tell me you did this, Owen. Please." She pleaded with hope.

"Sophie I didn't do this. I've been in the shower with you the whole time." I answered starting to feel the concern, that she was feeling.

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