Chapter 4: I'm Watching You

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The darkness was reaching out like tentacles. Wrapping around my limbs they increased with pressure causing a sharp pain to race though my body. I continued to swing my arms back and forth in an attempt break the ties while I struggled to move forward. Each step was getting tougher than the last as my legs were starting to be consumed by the unrelenting darkness.

"I won't let you control me." I growled through my teeth as I continued to fight back.

The darkness almost had the same consistency as slime, and everytime I lifted my feet it would break away only to reattach stronger and faster, until I attempted to take a step and my foot froze. As if I had been pushed, I fell forward into the goop and my hands were pulled into the liquid. I was being sucked in and knew that I had to fight back. I ripped my arms out of the sludge but it would just as quickly pull me back in. I was starting to suffocate now as a rumbling filled the void.

"What the hell is that?" I managed to blurt out before I finally started to scream in my head.

The world continued to shake and I was suddenly thrown into a white light and my eyes opened again. I was back in reality. My head was pressed against the hardwood floor. Somehow I had managed to fall out of the chair that I was sitting in and ended up here. While laying there I blinked a couple of times and then realized I was staring at the Toby who was now sitting beside me. It tilted it's head in curiosity as the rumbling continued, and I could hear it behind me. I rolled my head over to the other side and saw my phone shaking against the ground.

Pushing myself back up so that I was at least sitting down. I grabbed my phone and clicked the button. The phones screen illuminated in my hands, and my head started to pound again while I looked at the white light emitting from the screen. The rapid thumping in my skull forced me to grab my head, as I looked down again at the phone and gritted my teeth in pain. It was Sophie calling, I had no other choice but to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered with a pained undertone.

"Jesus, you sound like crap, what happened?" She asked with concern in her voice.

"Sorry, the cat scratched me pretty good." I lied as I looked down at all the faded scars on my arm.

"Well hurry up, I'm already outside waiting for you. I've been calling for like five minutes, and you wont like your punishment if you continue to make me wait." She giggled while delivering her threat.

"Oh well I'll be right out if that's the case, just give me a minute." I replied happily as her giggle subsided briefly.

"Well I'll be waiting, since I'm outside and everything." She stated before hanging up the phone.

I smiled thinking about her comments and then got back to my feet. How bad could her punishment be? I thought while my head continued to kill me. I walked out of the living room and into the kitchen where I opened the medicine cabinet. Opening the small door, I reached in and pulled out a little bottle of headache pills, and popped the cap open then dumped three pills out into my hand and swallowed them with some water. However when I walked back into the living room I had forgotten about the broken plate and the pizza, and now I didn't have time to be bothered by that as Sophie started honking the horn at a repeated pace.

I didn't have time to waste, since she would soon awaken the whole neighbourhood at this rate and I was the only one that could stop it. I opened up the front door, undoing all the locks and slid the key into the keyhole. Following that I stepped out onto the front porch and sealed up the house, while Sophie continued to honk behind me. I just had to hope the cat didn't do anything stupid with the shards of porcelain, or worse have a run in with the demon.

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