Chapter Fifteen

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       For hours after Luke had told me, all we did was sit in silence. A few tears were shed, but we were in to much shock to really comprehend what had happened. A part of each of us knew exactly what was happening. We were losing both of our parents.

       My phone started to ring a minute later, causing me to stand up wearily and waddle over to where my phone was thrown carelessly onto the counter.

       I picked it up and hit the answer button. "Hello?"

       "Hey, Bell. What are you doing?" Came the voice of Kyle, causing a slight smile to form on my face before it slipped away.

       "Sitting on the floor with my brother trying to make sense of everything," I whispered, my voice barely coming out. I wasn't even sure if Kyle was able to hear it until he replied.

       "Make sense of what?"

       "A...a lot has happened today. It's not really a good time, Kyle."

       "Bell, what's wrong? Come on, you can talk to me. Did something happen?"

       "No. Well, yes, but it's nothing that I feel like talking about right now, okay Kyle?"

       "Okay," Kyle said, and then he hung up. The silence that came from the other end of the line was deafening. I hadn't expected him to give up that easily, I had wanted him to tell me he was there for me or something, no matter what was wrong. Obviously I was an idiot for thinking that would happen.

       "Was that Kyle?" Luke asked me when I came back. Instead of sitting on the floor this time, though, I went and sat on the couch. I decided that would be more comfortable.

       "Yeah, it was. He calls me every day multiple times because he's become an outcast because he became my friend," I told him, turning to look at him from the couch. "Stop sitting on the floor. That won't do us any good."

       "Well, I'm currently to lazy to stand up and you're taking up the majority of the couch right now anyways so..."

       "Fine, have it your way," I mumbled before adding, "Can we go see mom now?"

       "Bell, I don't...I don't think that's a good idea. We probably won't be able to see her, and if we are she'll look really bad..." Luke trailed off, looking down at his hands, his voice shaking a little.

       "Or is it because she wouldn't want to see me?" I whispered, my eyes prickling with tears as I pushed myself off the couch.

       "No it isn't that-"

       I cut him off. "Yes it is! Don't bother to deny it, I know she hates me. I'll be in my room if you need me."

       That didn't really work though, seeing as I ended up sitting there for what seemed like hours until I gave up and decided to just write. Maybe I wouldn't write anything good, most likely I wouldn't, but that's okay.

The fire burned beneath me from the burning pits of hell,

Flames jumping up and touching my toes,

Burning me but I had to hold on because in the world above,

Where everyone is still trying to end the war,

I was the only hope left to end the suffering.

How I may never know,

But without me I had a feeling that the world would die.

A slow painful death where everyone burns,

The longer I hang on here now,

The longer I stay here means that the flames shall remain focused on me,

Sleep Soundly, Sabella [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now