Chapter Twelve

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       The next morning I woke up in the hospital with the heart monitor thing beeping next to me and a doctor checking my vitals or something. Maybe she was drugging me so I would go back to sleep, or something.

       "What am I doing here?" I croaked out, squinting at the doctor in the lights.

       "Don't you remember, honey? You tried to kill yourself last night. You took some're lucky your brother found you," The doctor told me, a small smile gracing her lips.

       "I...I don't remember anything," I replied, shaking my head slightly then immediately regretting it as pain shot through it.

       "That's okay, honey. You fell and hit your head pretty hard. You have a concussion, but your memory should come back soon enough," The doctor said, finishing whatever she was doing before she started to walk toward the door.

       "Wait!" I exclaimed, trying to sit up. When the doctor turned around I asked her to inform Kyle that I was here, just in case he didn't know.

       He probably wouldn't care, anyways.

       "He's already here, sweetie." She sent a smile towards me. "I'll see if he can come in and see you, but I need to ask the doctor first."

       A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and Kyle's head popped in. I waved my hand and he stepped in, his hands behind his back at first as he approached my bed.

       When he got to my bedside, he pulled flowers out from behind his back and laid them down on the side table next to me.

       "Hey," He said, looking down and shuffling his feet before going to grab a chair to sit in. "How are you doing?"

       "Good, I guess...I really don't remember anything. All I know is that I apparently tried to kill myself and my brother found me. He doesn't care about me enough to talk to me, let alone try and save my life. Why did he get help?" I asked, closing my eyes in hope that the pain would go away.

       "So don't remember anything that happened last night?" Kyle asked, his eyebrows coming together.

       "No...Why, is there something important?" I questioned, shifting onto my side so I could face Kyle easier.

       ", nothing. Nothing that you need to know right now, anyways," Kyle told me, the corners of his lips turning up, a look of relief filling his face.

       "Okay," I whispered as I closed my eyes and drifted into darkness.

       "Do you remember me?" I shivered as I heard his voice, the deep rough texture in my ear. And no, it wasn't in a sexy way. It was in a 'I'm about to die just kill me already' voice. 

       "How," I took a shaky breath before I continued, "How could I forget?"

       Tears pricked my eyes but I refused to let them fall. No, I wouldn't cry. Not because of him. That's what he wanted, anyways. He wanted to cause everyone pain. He wanted to make everyone suffer.

       "Wh-why are you here?" I stuttered out, shaking slightly as his arms wrapped around me. Why was he doing this?

       "I'm here for you, dear. It's your time." I shook terribly before I started to try and break away.

       His grip was far to strong, though. I couldn't escape, no matter how much I struggled. I would just need to give in to whatever he wanted, like last time. There wasn't anything I could do. He knew that and I knew that.

Sleep Soundly, Sabella [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now