Chapter Eight

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       My little breakfast only came to about four dollars; two-fifty for the hot chocolate, one-fifty for the little muffin. I refused to get anything else, since I wasn't the paying. I had gotten a hot chocolate because it was the same price as the coffee and I preferred hot chocolate, and the muffin was the cheapest thing I could find. 

       "I'm paying you back this time," I promised Kyle as we walked out of the shop, our drinks still in our hands.

       We had eaten the muffins in the shop, but we had to get to school on time and that involved leaving with our drinks. 

       "You say that now but you know that when you try and pay me, I'll just put the money back in your bag secretly," He told me, shrugging as we climbed into his car.

       "Well, now that I know you'll do that I'll just make sure that I check my bag for money before I leave after I give it to you."

       "You'll forget, and even if you did give it back to me," He paused slightly before continuing, "Never mind. I won't tell you what I would do because then you would know before hand."

       "Jerk," I mumbled as we made our way to school.

       Pulling into the parking lot we climbed out of the car and started to make our way towards the building. I took the last sip of my hot chocolate and I threw the cup into the garbage bin outside the front doors, as did Kyle. I don't know why but it always felt weird to carry around something other than water at school.

       "You still love me, though."

       "You wish."

       Pretty sure that was the other way around, though.


       The day flew by today, classes ending in what felt like minutes instead of hours. Every time the bell rang I jumped ten feet out of my feet because I hadn't expected it. And no, it wasn't because the class was interesting.

       My phone was the interesting thing. Kyle and I were texting each other all day, even when we were sitting next to each other. The teachers paid us no attention because we were "invisible." That made everything so much easier, if I was being honest.

       Sure, I paid attention in the classes a little bit, but as soon as I felt the slight vibrate of my phone my attention shifted to the small screen. I had to bite my tongue multiple times to prevent myself from laughing loudly, and a few times I had wanted to smack Kyle over the head with a brick from the wall that was trapping us here.

       To bad that wasn't possible.

       When we had been told to take notes in one class, Kyle actually did so I pretended to, writing a poem instead.

She sits in the shade,
Under the tree no one acknowledges,
Alone and forgotten by the world,
Until she is about to leap of the ledge.

No one knows this,
Of course they don't silly.
She kept her feelings hidden,
Sitting there even when it was chilly.

Her face was a mask,
Hiding her pain under a fake smile,
Thought no one ever saw it,
She could no longer run the mile.

She was to broken,
She was completely broken...

Until one day another joined her,
Under that same tree.
And everyone else,
Still just let her be.

Sleep Soundly, Sabella [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now