Chapter One

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I stared at the computer screen in front of me, the long line of hateful twitter messages and Facebook posts that were all centered around me continually updating itself as I was forced to read each post. Some called me a slut, others a bitch, and still others called me a heartless freak who didn't care about anything or anyone except herself and her own plans. None of those things were true.

Of course, those people didn't say my name exactly. They never did. They acted like I didn't exist, but they still managed to find some way to talk about me. They still managed to center every post around stupid mistakes and lies that I was apart of. I knew every post was about me, but they liked to think I was invisible. Sometimes I wish I was.

Some of the people who posted the rude messages had names that I remember, ones I would never forget. The names of my friends...well, the names of the people who I used to consider my friends. They all placed the blame on me, even though we were all part of it; all five of us were equally responsible for where we ended up. Where I still was.

Heck, if any of us were innocent it would be me! I didn't want to follow anyone around and I warned them that it wouldn't be a good idea!

I felt tears prick my eyes but I held them back. knowing that there was no real reason to be upset. This was just a normal day in the life of Sabella Marie. The normal day in a life that sucked.

Glancing at the time in the bottom right corner of the screen, I sighed and closed the computer lid. It was ten thirty and I still had at least an hour of my summer homework left. I had put it off up until the last possible second because I was a total idiot. Now, though I knew that I wouldn't be able to focus on it. Not with these negative thoughts filling my mind. So, I decided to do what everyone does when they're bored or stressed: I decided to eat.

Standing up, I made my way over to my door and stepped out into the hallway, trying to figure out if anyone was still downstairs, or if it was safe to go down into the kitchen to get something to eat. I needed to sooth the beast that was held inside my stomach that was begging for food, after all.

The funny thing is you don't really realize how hungry you were until you decided to eat. Well, at least that's how it worked for me...maybe it was different for others, but I wouldn't know.

I waited for about two minutes, but there wasn't any noise coming from anywhere in the house. Maybe my parents and brother had all gone and retired into their rooms. Maybe they had even fallen asleep; that would be even better.

I cautiously started to make my way downstairs, hoping that no one else was down there. Being ignored and hated on by your friends was terrible, but I'm pretty sure that when your whole family decided you didn't exist it was worse.

Seriously, though. I thought that your family was supposed to support you no matter what happened. I though that they were the people who would always stand by your side in any situation. Well, I guess I thought wrong.

Sighing, I walked over to the refrigerator and took out a container of left over beef and broccoli. I popped it into the microwave and stopped it before it beeped, making sure I didn't make to much noise. Oh, I would get hell if my family actually was sleeping and I woke them up to do this thing that normal people did. That normal thing was called eating and you needed to do this little task so you didn't die of starvation.

Then again, I'm pretty sure that no one would care if I starved to death. They would probably say I deserved it or something like that.

Dropping the food onto the table lightly, since it was sort of hot from the microwave, I walked over to the marble counter tops and opened one of the cabinets that was at eye level. I grabbed a glass and then I poured myself some orange soda and went to grab a fork. After that I went back over to the table where I had set my food.

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