Chapter Eleven

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       "I guess I'll just have to start at the beginning. Please don't ask questions, don't try and stop me, don't yell at me. Just listen. You can ask anything you want to after, but please just let me tell you what I can," I said, looking down at my hands. "I'll try and get as far as I can...I'll probably start crying. I'll probably break down. I might start to yell...just listen, though."

       "Okay. Now just tell me."

       "It all started with the phone call. The one my friends overheard, the one my friends thought was the most important thing in their lives. I told them it was nothing. I told them that they should just forget they ever heard it. That was what I did. Well, I tried to. I assume they did too, they just had more difficulty moving on. Soon I found out what they had been doing after school," I paused slightly, taking a sip of my hot chocolate in an attempt to unblock my throat. It felt as if there was a piece of gum there, sticky and unable to move, like it was trying to stop me from talking.

       Kyle just sat there, his face emotionless as he listened to the part of the story he already knew. Well, I'm pretty sure he knew it. Unless the time that I told him this was just a dream. And if that was the case...well, than maybe this was a dream too.

       "They had told me that they were just going to each others houses to study. I should have known they were lying, since they never studied back then..." I shook my head, trying to stay focused on the bigger parts of the story. The parts that I had to get out now, the ones I had held in to long. "Anyways, one day I was walking to the coffee shop after school. Actually, it was this coffee shop, if I remember correctly.

       "Well, that's besides the point. When I was making my way here, I saw a car that looked like my old friends car. Her name was Melody. I had thought I was hallucinating at first. I mean, why would they be sitting outside a coffee shop like stalkers when they were supposedly studying, right?"

       "Yeah, you're right." Kyle cut in, causing me to look up at him and pause for a second.

       "Please don't interrupt, Kyle." I sighed, running a hand through my hair in annoyance. Hadn't I made it clear earlier I just needed to get this out?

       "Sorry," Kyle quickly replied, motioning for me to continue the story.

       "Turns out that it was them. They were being their typical selves who decided to ignore everything that the only logical person in their group had said," I said with a bitter laugh, shifting slightly in my seat.

       "I guess I'll just have to start at the beginning. Please don't ask questions, don't try and stop me, don't yell at me. Just listen. You can ask anything you want to after, but please just let me tell you what I can," I said, looking down at my hands. "I'll try and get as far as I can...I'll probably start crying. I'll probably break down. I might start to yell...just listen, though."

       "Okay. Now just tell me."

       "It all started with the phone call. The one my friends overheard, the one my friends thought was the most important thing in their lives. I told them it was nothing. I told them that they should just forget they ever heard it. That was what I did. Well, I tried to. I assume they did too, they just had more difficulty moving on. Soon I found out what they had been doing after school," I paused slightly, taking a sip of my hot chocolate in an attempt to unblock my throat. It felt as if there was a piece of gum there, sticky and unable to move, like it was trying to stop me from talking.

       Kyle just sat there, his face emotionless as he listened to the part of the story he already knew. Well, I'm pretty sure he knew it. Unless the time that I told him this was just a dream. And if that was the case...well, than maybe this was a dream too.

Sleep Soundly, Sabella [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now