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Slowly, I feel my toes freezing. I change position, uncomfortable but it doesn't change anything. I groan and try to grab the sheets of the bed but I grab something else instead. I suddenly open my eyes wide open and turn around to see my hand attached to brown hairs. Carefully, but in panic, I let go the hold. Luckily I didn't pull, it would have been a real disaster. I notice the covers were on the floor, that's why I was getting cold. I take them up and put it on myself. My eyes were about to close but I immediately sit straight on the bed. I look to my left and see Hailee, asleep and naked. I contain my scream and look down at myself...Naked! "I AM NAKED!!" I shout in my thoughts. The singer moves a bit and I freeze, thinking she would wake up but she just turns, like this her sleepy face would face my side. "What do I do?! Oh my god! Did we...? I THINK WE DID! OMG! What now?!" I panic in my brain. Just then, I notice she is shaking and sees goosebumps on her soft skin. Without even hesitating, I put the sheets on her. I get up, still a little shocked and goes in the shower real quick. After, I look on the floor and only see Hailee's clothes and a towel. My memory comes back and I search for my outfit in my bag. I put on my bra and panties then a black t-shirt and puts back on my black military pants. I look at my phone for the temperature for today and this outfit was perfect. I throw the white towel in the laundry bag and brushes my brown hair. I take Steinfeld's clothes, fold them and put them on the night table. My stuff is packed up and I am standing in the middle of the bedroom like a noodle. "I can't just leave like that with a note, we aren't in a movie or something, I need to stay so we can explain ourselves, like adults," I think. I stay there for a while. "Fuck off, where's the paper?" I finally think, looking around the room. Then, I hear a yawn. I stop searching and turn around to see the brunette sitting on the bed slowly, stretching. "Wow, even when she wakes up she's amazing...STAWP! Focus woman!". I was looking at her like a fool and she smiles lightly. Did...Did she say something? Dude, I think she asked me something.

"What's that?" I question getting out of my bubble.

"I see that you're still sleepy uh? I was asking if you slept well copper," she replies, taking her clothes on the night table.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I did..." I play with my shirt nervously. 

"Great, 'cause me too, and not just talking about my sleep, if you see what I mean," she winks, walking over the bathroom. Before I could reply, she closes the door and I hear the water from the shower and her voice. She is singing. She sings "Let it go" by James Bay. I look through my phone and see a text from Alexender:

 at 23 PM: A- Hey, is Hailee ok? Is she at home?

Now (8 AM): L- Back home. Everything's fine. Thanks to care.

A- What about you?

L- A little bit shocked this morning but I'm good.

A- Why shocked?

L- I slept at her house.


L- don't make me repeat Alexender.

A- I knew it Denvers!

L- Knew what?

A- That one day you two will sleep together! Tbh, I was waiting for it to happen ;P

L- ALEXENDER!!! We didn't sleep together!

A- Really?

L- Really.

A- Aw darn.

L- I'm disappointed in you!

A- Shouldn't you be disappointed in yourself right now? One person at the time Denvers ^-^

L- I want to kill you, but I'll admit you're right...

A- Ah! Anyway, good luck with the singing beauty! >3<

L- I hate you.

I shut my phone when the bathroom open. She comes out naked and I can feel the heat coming up to my face. I look away, making her giggles.

"Hey, we saw each other naked all night long last night, what's the matter Leona?" she laughs, getting in the corridor, heading in her room. I follow her but doesn't enter the room while she gets dress.

"We shouldn't have done this," I reply not even answering her question.

"Why's that?"

"Because I'll get fired!! If I get fired, my whole life will be ruined! Why? Because I pass 4 years of my life trying my best in this school to get here! I just--"

Hailee leaves her bedroom, dressed with jeans and a sweatshirt, looking at me, confused.

"Woah there copper, nobody will get fired, and nobody's life we be ruined for a night with me," she says getting closer to me.

"I will! If they know, I'm done here..."

"How will they know? If it's not you, it's me, and I would never do that to you, don't worry! Look on the bright side, it was fun last night!" she exclaims with a true smile.

"Fun? That was just a game for you, wasn't it? I see, you're the kind of girl who just has fun for one night and then, pass to the other?" I lash out in anger.

"What?" she frowns, making one step back. "That's what you think of me? Well, let me tell you, you're totally wrong! Last night was fun, but not only that, it was great, awesome and it wasn't just an experiment of one night to me!" she says louder now offended.

"...Really?" I ask tears in eyes, calming myself down. The singer notices my wet blue eyes and calms down, stepping toward me, putting a hand on my cheek and rubbing it softly with her thumb.

"Yes, really," she whispers, now cupping my face. My heart stops beating for a while when I dare look in her sight. My breath gets cut and she kisses me not fiercely, not quickly, but slowly and softly, her delicate lips brushing mine. I couldn't help it but pass my hand in her hair, the other one sliding in her back. Steinfeld puts me against the wall, carefully. I could feel her heart beat at the same time as mine. A tear gets down my cheek, knowing it was wrong but feels so right. The tear goes on the young singer's hand and she breaks apart to see it. Her hazel eyes stare into my bright ocean's one. She wipes the tear and before we could say anything, she hugs me. Like nobody did before. In a comforting and protective way. We shouldn't have this kind of relationship, but I couldn't live happy without this relationship, now I knew it. Now, the only thing that matter is her.

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