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I was preparing myself like Hailee told me to do. Still having my black tank top and military pants, I attach my teaser gun to my belt and put on my cap written security in white on the front, the same thing was written on the back of my top. I pass my ponytail in the cap hole and hang my glasses to another pocket of my pants. Then, I see a little mic on my desk and realize I don't know how to put this thing on. I take it in my hands and look around, trying to find a helping face. Then, I see a man smiling like a goof at me and approaching me. He was taller than me, black hair, brown almost black eyes, muscled body, and a black t-shirt written security.

''Hey there, having trouble with technology?'' he asks still smiling at me but this time, friendly. Finally, I meet someone who as no charming smile or doesn't try to flirt with me.

''Yeah, this is awkward, at my school they never showed us how to put these on,'' I reply, totally comfortable talking with him.

''Oh I see, you're Hailee's bodyguard right?'' he starts, taking the mic from my hands and before making a move: ''May I...?'' he requests showing me the little thing.

''Sure, sure go on! And yes, to answer your first question, I am her bodyguard.''

He gets even closer and put something around my ear.

''You will have a harsh time with her, trust me. I'm Alexander by the way,'' he announces, focused on his job.

''Denvers, Leona Denvers,'' I respond smiling slightly at him.''And I already met her, if by ''harsh time'' you mean she is non-stop flirting and joking, then yes, I've already had a taste of this "harsh time."

''I hope you will be more patient and tolerant than the guy before you. Oh, and nice to meet you...Almoooost...Done!'' he exclaims stepping back, satisfied by his work.

"Thanks, I appreciate that. Nice to meet you too but what happened to the guy before me?"

"Well, he couldn't support Hailee making jokes, being too nice...In short, he couldn't support Hailee anymore!" laughs the guy showing his white teeth. 

"Really? Wow, I don't think I'll get at this point...I hope I won't..."

We laugh a bit and we hear a man voice calling people to meet on the other side of the backstage. Alexander and I go towards the voice and for the first time I see and meet the man who organized all of this. He was talking with the backup dancers I think and then he sees the two of us.

"Where are the rest of the security? And god DAMN where is this bodyguard!!" he shouts clearly not very happy. I clear my throat and step forward, back to serious.

"It's me, sir."

"It's by the time you show up!" he says louder, I could almost describe this situation as screaming. "I've been waiting to meet you 'till 1 PM! Where were you?! We need to talk about MANY things and now it's 7 PM!!"

"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again...They told me to come at 5 PM...So I did," I reply, knowing it maybe won't help me.

"Who are "they", uh? You know what? I don't even want to know! Listen girl, you'll need t--'' but he couldn't finish, a voice interrupts him.

"My bad Charles! My bad!" exclaims the brunette coming in the place and getting between us.

"Hailee, really? You know I want to see my people earlier to talk with them," suddenly calms the guy when he sees the young singer.

"Sorry, we were chatting about random stuff and we lost the track of time," she explains looking really guilty. I was about to protest but when I tried to step in front of Hailee, the singer takes her hand and Alexander sees it but not Charles. Suddenly feeling like I'm blushing, I step back but she blocks me beside her and I blush even harder. 

"Alright, I forgive you, but I don't want this to happen again you hear me Denvers?" asks Charles frowning at me.

"Yes, sir," I struggle looking at him for a second then turn my head away like this he wouldn't see my tomato face. He gives us quick information for tonight and I concentrate to hear all of them correctly with success. Then Charles leaves and Steinfeld turns to face me, still holding my hand.

"Are you excited about tonight?" she exclaims now smiling.

"I...Are... I don't wanna seem rude but, are you serious right now?!" I reply, trying to make my blushing disappear from the brunette.

"What's wrong copper?"

"First, it's bodyguard. Second, why you said it was your fault?"

"Because I didn't want you to get fired..." she answers her smile going away, replaced by sadness.

"...You don't need to do that...Thank you anyway," I say looking down on our hands. "You know, you can let go my hand."

"Are you saying this because you think it's bothering me or because it's bothering you?" she requests with stars in her eyes.

It's not bothering me, I kind of like it but I can't say that. I can't stay like this, it's not professional. Even though I never wanted it to end...

"It's b-bothering me, indeed," I stutter and she let go the hold with a sigh.

"Ok, my show is gonna start soon, the field is getting full, I need to go," she announces me with a half smile.

"Have fun up there."

"Count on me!" she exclaims running towards the makeup man.

I look at her for a while then turn around to see Alexander staring at me with no expressions. I walk to him and when he finally notices me, smiles like a fool.

"What's so funny?" I ask with a suspicious glare.

"I saw that Denvers!"

"Saw what?"

"You and Hailee flirting!"

"W-what!? I would never-- She did! She flirts with me, I don't!" I stutter again like a dumb.

"Suuuuure..." he winks at me. "Come on let's get in position, the show will start soon," he explains before I could complain.

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