Getting There

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"You're in." announces the tall black man who cleary does not even care of my situation... And cleary doesn't need to exercise, seeing all those muscle is almost distracting me. Surprise and shocked, I look at him with fish eyes.
"W-what?!" I exclaim, having difficulties to believe what the man said.
"Do you really need me to repeat that, Denvers?" he replies, totally annoyed.
"No,no, absolutely not M.Hunningad! Thank you, really, thank you!" I say realizing I was making a fool of myself.
"Don't act like you had no idea you'd be taken, you are our most talented student here."
I stayed silent, getting back to my serious face. He heads to the door and the second he pass the door, I smile again, clap in my hands and leave the modern room, very happy. Then, I hear my name by the speakers on the ceiling.
"L. Denvers needs to show up at the boss's office, I repeat, L. Denvers needs to show up at the boss's office."
I replace my bright brown hairs, check my black outfit if it's clean and enter the boss's place. I was facing the back of the big black chair. I stand there, in position, waiting. Suddenly, the chair turns around and she looks at me with intensity. I do not move nor say anything.
"Denveeeers! My favorite! My perfect student! Or should I say, agent now?" says the classy woman, in a black and expensive one-piece. She looks at herself in a mirror, brushing her blonde hair with a small hairbrush.
"Hello Miss Woolf," I simply answers, as always, looking seriously in front of me and not directly at her.
"-sigh in relief and happiness- I am soooo proud of you! I feel like my own child just won an achievement. I called you to officially announce that you will be assigned to Hailee Steinfeld!" she exclaims, clapping her hands like a kid getting candies.
Satisfied of my assignment, I just hide my joy and shake one time positively my head.
"What's better for a beginning talented celebrity than a beginning talented body guard, right?" She gets up and give me my papers where are my information."Now honey, get out of this office and go do what you need to do!"
"Of course Miss Woolf," I replies, happy as hell but containing it all in my body. Once I was out, I giggles quietly and opens the file she gave me.

Agent: Leona Denvers

Age: 19

Student Grade: A++

Description: Agent Denvers is protective by nature and serious when it's about her job. She would never let someone she's assigned to get hurt or worst. She has very good abilities with every type of guns, is agile and respectful. She can get
distract by almost nothing.

Assigned to: Hailee Steinfeld

"I can't believe it! I am assigned to Hailee!!" I scream in my mind.

What's up guys! This is not the second book of "The falling one is the raising one" but another book I wanted to do. I hope you enjoy this first chapter eventhough it was short! Love y'all!

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