The Show

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I could hear the crowd noise and people were even cheering Hailee before she gets on stage. I sneak peek into the field and my eyes go wide. "So many people were there! Mostly teenage girls but some boys were there too," I notice without difficulties. "This is her most popular show, in the most popular town of United-States, so it means that approximately 80% of her fans are here tonight...That is maybe not as exciting as Steinfeld thought. With that much of her fangirls and fanboys, catastrophes are fast happening," I think when I suddenly realize what I was thinking is totally true. I needed to find Alexander to tell him but then...

"A to L, A to L," I hear in my ear and I immediately remember the micro.

"A to L? Are you serious Alexander?" I reply frowning while smiling a little bit.

"What? I wanted to do like in the movies, no?"

"No, this is serious and can't the other security guards hear us?" I ask looking at the other guys.

"Nope, we are talking on our channel," he answers, back to seriousness.

"Channel? Nevermind, I need to talk with you about something important!"

"Wich is?"

I sigh, discouraged about his innocence.

"Hailee's safety, you ignorant goof!" I reply getting slowly angry but finding his situation really amusing and cute.

"Is there something wrong?! An intruder?!? Where???" he begins now focused and in a slight panic.

"No, no! Listen, tonight is her biggest show, I've never seen that much of fans at a show. So we really need to pay more attention to dangers," I explain calmly.

"Sure Leona, I'll tell the others," he responds with a completely serious voice.

Alexander ends our conversation and I can see him on the other side of the stage talking with the security guards. Satisfied with my work, I try to find Hailee as fast as possible before she goes on the platform. Just at this moment, I see her silhouette in the distance, backward to me, talking with someone. I run pass many people, dodging boxes on the ground and other things laying on the backstage floor. She starts walking away before I could reach her so I run faster. The young singer turns a corner a seconds after I turn it too but does not see her. Suddenly, she jumps out of nowhere making a monster scream so I stop running and gets in position fight, before recognizing her, I take her right wrist, turns her around so I face her back and lock her wrist in her back.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaim noticing it was actually her and letting her go. She turns around and takes her wrist in her hand, grimacing.

"You have some strength!" she says with a painful voice.

"I am so sorry Hailee!!!" I apology, getting closer, taking her wrist softly and examining it carefully."Let me see if it's bad..." I say before seeing we were really close and she was looking at me, giving me that smile again. I step back, clearing my throat."It seems fine."

"It is, thanks to my wonderful nurse," she replies winking at me.

"Erm! No need to thank me, I hurt you..."

"I wanted to try to scare you because you told me you were hard to get scared."

"You scared me, I need to admit," I announce looking at my feet.

"Really?" she seems excited.

"Yeah, I was scared I hurt you."

"Aww, but that doesn't count. So, why were you following me?" she asks, while I was drowning in her deep brown eyes.

"So you knew I was following you...Anyway, I just wanted to tell you to be more careful and watch out your fans, who kno--" I start.

"Wait, what? You are telling me they might be problems?" she repeats looking offended.

"Yes, they are even more than I expected Hailee."

"They are not dangerous! They would never be a menace!" she says now louder and frowning.

Now I was frowning.

"I've been in a school for that kind of job! Detecting dangers and possibilities of catastrophes, so I perfectly know the risks!" I reply getting slowly angry.

"You maybe know the risks, but I perfectly know my fans!" she responds making me shut up. She blinks three times then get back in a normal position and calms down. I could see her tense muscles.

"I apologize," I simply say, trying to hold tears back."Why do I want to cry?" I ask myself. She gets closer, I step back, seeing she wouldn't stop getting toward me but I stop and she gives me a comforting hug. For a second I wanted to push the singer away but the feeling get away and I give the hug back. After at least 1 minutes, we break apart and she smiles at me, compassion in her eyes.

"It's ok, everyone is a little stressed out about this show. I will try to be more careful I swear. But please, try to think about what I said."

"Of course, I will," I smile back."I should get back in my position, your show is about to start."

"Yeah, see you after!" she exclaims waving at me while I walk away.


It's been 30 minutes that Hailee's show as started and everything was normal. I couldn't believe how Steinfeld was amazing! Being so sweet with her fans, her amazing voice and dancing move. "Gosh, Leona focus!" I think. I travel the crowd with my blue eyes and nothing was getting my attention. Nothing suspicious. I look at the third row and sees a fangirl jumping up and down, singing, joined by a boy who clearly had no fun here. But he has just eyes for the girl he is with, smiling to see how much she had fun. I smile to myself, finding this adorable but then, the teenage girl gets closer to the guy and whispers something in his ear. He shakes his head positively and walks away from the other teen, making his way to the first row. I recover, watching him closely. He puts his hand on the metal fences separating the stage from the crowd. I step one time forward, ready to go...But unexpectedly, another guy runs on the stage and takes Hailee by the waist, lifting her up. She makes a little scream and drops her mic. Surprise but now determined this dude will pay for this, I sprint on the stage, to the fan. He puts the young singer back on her feet and pushes her with violence, so she was falling. I run even faster and throw my arms under her armpits, putting her up before she touches the floor. Security guards come out but too late. The crowd was screaming, shocked. The intruder puts up his fist and he was about to hit Hailee. His fist goes down. And I tackle him. I receive the punch in my face before I tackle him to the ground. His was fighting but I block him on the floor. The security, of which Alex, takes the dude who was screaming and trying to get off their hold, out of the stage. I immediately turn around to see Steinfeld, eyes wide open, frozen there. I take her hand and with my other one, puts it on her back, insisting her to walk forward. Backstage, I sit her down on her chair and employees were rushing over her but I ask them to step back and wait until she recovers. Backup singers and dancers come backstage too and stay away for a while, while I was dealing with the brunette. I give her a water bottle that she takes, hands shaking. 

"Alright Hailee, breath, breath," I demand, taking one of her hand, trying to catch her eyes with mine. Finally, she looks into my sight, brown eyes wet.

"T-thank you..." she whispers still in shock.

"No problem, now please, breath in and out, can you do that for me?"

She nods and breath in. Out. In. Out. I could chill out now that I knew everything would be alright. 

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