Family By Heart

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"Anne." somebody whispered shaking me lightly.

I opened my eyes and saw Marilla.

"Hello, Marilla."

"Hello, Anne. Jerry is waiting for you."

"I'll be going right down then." I said getting up.

I went down the stairs, out the door and into the barn. There I saw Jerry sitting.

"Sit and talk."

I sat down and started.

"Well, me and Gilbert fought. He was really mad at me but I didn't know why since I should've been the one that had the right to be mad at him. He called me ugly and an annoying know-it-all."

"What did you call him?"

"Big headed jerk."


"I said he disgusted me and he agreed that I disgusted him too."

"So, Gilbert out of nowhere came and told you that you are an ugly and annoying know-it-all?"


"That doesn't sound like him."

"You don't really know him."

"Yeah, but Gilbert loves you."

"He doesn't. He didn't tell me that while we were dating."

"Because it would scare you away."

"... Good point."

"I know. You should probably talk to him privately tomorrow and see why he is upset too."

"I don't want to see him."

"Okay, then stay with leave it as mystery."

"It's not mystery. He just saw that I was mad at him and he reacted the same, in order to win the argument."

"Gilbert, the guy who let you win the spelling bee?"

"That was a year ago."

"Do what you think it's best." He sighed.

"Thank you, Jerry." I got up hugged him and went straight to bed.

Well, nothing much happened the next few days which brings us to Friday after school.

"I am so happy." somebody said.

Violet. I tried to walk quickly so she wouldn't see be but of course she did.

"Hey, Anne. Have you heard?"

"What, Violet?" I said not really caring.

"Gilbert asked me to the dance."

The word hurt, couldn't quite describe how I felt.

"That's really great. But, I should go." I started to leave but she stopped me.

"It is, isn't it? He is just so kind and sweet. He seemed to not like you very much though. But, I think you are really cool. I hope we can hang out sometime."

Did she lose her mind?

"We'll see."

She sighed and said.

"Look I came to ask you if it would be okay if I asked Gilbert to be my boyfriend at the dance."

My heart shattered.

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