Our Eyes Met And The Butterflies In My Stomach Started Flying

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Wednesday, the day of gossip. Let's be honest. Today, I'm going to see Cole, Diana, Ruby and Charlie. There's no chance I'll get out of it so I might as well get over it.

I did my usually morning routine and I opened the door to leave and I came across Cole... Of course he wouldn't wait.

"My dear Anne. How are you this beautiful day? Me too. So, let's talk. A topic. Hmmmm... Oh, how about you and Gilbert. I just thought of this out of blue." Let's just say I saw this coming and he interrupted me about three times. We started our walk for school.

"I assume Gilbert is fine."


"That's all I know, my dear Cole." two could play this game. To be honest, I tried to hold in my laughter but I looked like a tomato that was slowly becoming a ketchup. The greatest sauce since 1812... Or so I've heard. I never tried it. Even the name sounds disgusting. But, not as disgusting as mayonnaise. Wait, I'm completely off topic. What is going on?

"So, nothing happened?"

Oh, right I was talking with Cole.

"Not from what I remember."

I saw it clearly. He was about to explode. It was so funny to watch him though

"Just tell me what happened, Anne. Please. Pretty please with cherry on the top?"

"Fine." I said with a giggle.

"The short version is that I went we talked and had tea and then he walked me home."

"And the long version is?"

"We talked on the way to his house. I told him about the whole Ruby situation."

"Oh my God."

"Exactly... He stayed silent for God knows how long. Long enough for me to finish my tea anyways. He told me he understood and that he would love to be friends."

"Did he actually say the word friends?"

"Well, no but I know that, that's where it was going."

"Doubt it. But, do go on."

"He held my hand"

"What?" He screamed

"Keep your voice down. It's not a big deal. He just said that it brought him peace and comfort."

"And that's not a big deal because?"

"Because, there's nothing romantic about our tea time whatsoever."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Last but no least, I asked him to walk me home and we talked about our parents. That's private so I won't elaborate. I thought he said something but I was obviously wrong. So, I said good bye but Jerry showed up to greet him."

"Gotta love Jerry."

"Not really a fan of him at the moment. They chit-chated for a bit and he almost said that it was a date so I pushed him away and he winked at me."

"So proud of him right now. Good young man that Jerry."

"Last but not least. I said my goodbye and waved, he waved back and I walked back home."

"So... No kiss?"

"Of course not."

"Was it a date?"

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