Part 23

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"Daddy!" I shouted. He slid to the floor, as if his last ounce of energy was spent. I crawled to him, helping him lean against the cellar wall.

            "Sarah, I've fucked up so much in this life, I'm amazed you turned out the way you did." His hand came to my cheek. "I don't expect forgiveness, hell, I don't expect anything, I just wanted to get one thing right." My father's words were interrupted by a groan and gurgle from the corner where James had crawled, propping himself up. I grabbed his gun and slid it to Lex, who pulled the empty magazine from the handle, rocking the slide back to clear the chamber.

            "Empty." Lex said, curiosity falling over his face. James looked back with tears in his eyes.

            " I only needed one. It was supposed to be for me." My heart filled with pity as I reached for his hand.

            "I'm so sorry, Sarah. I- I couldn't deal." Blood began to sputter from his mouth, trailing a soft line down his lips. 'These dreams- our gift- it's driving me crazy. Can you imagine watching the one person you love most die over and over? I can't do it anymore." His eyes fell as he reached his hand to touch mine.

            "I'm sorry I hurt you, James." I offered a compassionate smile, squeezing his hand back, gently.

            "If he makes it- don't forgive him, Sarah." He gestures to my father. "It will kill you." His tears turn to full blown sobs. "Lex will take damn good care of you. He was always good to me." He finished, as if saying it out loud would help him find peace. Tears welled in my eyes as he coughed, blood pouring freely from his mouth and wounds. I touched his cheek with my hand.

            "I had never intended on living after tonight, Sarah, Regardless of your choice, one of us always had to die. Leave me be- let me die alone." His voice cracked.

            "I'd never let you die alone, little brother." Lex sat next to me, looking at his brother. "Even if you kept me in this godforsaken basement for hours." Blood covered my hands as James tried to stifle a laugh- one last moment with his brother. His eyes grew heavy as his breathing shallowed. Soon, he was gone, his head hanging low over his shoulders. I stood, helping Lex to his feet before turning to see Josiah standing over my father, his hand over his mouth.

            "I'm sorry, Sarah. He's gone." His solemn voice was full of empathy for me. Something I'd never expect to see from Josiah. I hung my head for a moment, allowing a brief feeling of grief to pass before turning to the door, Josiah sneaking under Lex to help him walk. There, in the corridor, Jack sat on the dirty floor, cradling my mother, begging her to wake.

            "She's dreaming." I offered, gesturing to her rising chest.

            "Come on, let's get the fuck out of here." Josiah chuckled before walking to the stairs.

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