Part 15

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Blood continued to drip from the wound over my eye as Lex and Jack wiped my face and attempted to stop the bleeding. My eyes fluttered open and closed, black dots dancing in the corners and sparkles of light and stars tickled my pupils. An overwhelming feeling of nausea crawled from my stomach, forcing me to curl into the fetal position to alleviate it. Lex placed his hoodie under my head as I pulled my knees tighter into my chest, his hand resting firmly on my forehead.

            "Stop moving." He growled. "I have to stitch it." He said, gesturing for Josiah to grab the first aid kit.

            "I need to puke." I scoffed, hurling myself to my feet, dizziness overwhelming my head. I lunged for the toilet, barely making it as I released the entirety of my stomach. "Water." I asked. Lex was waiting, already prepared.

            "I need to stitch your head, it's too deep." He closed the lid of the toilet seat and picked me up, placing me on top. Josiah kicked his leg over the toilet, sitting behind me, pulling me up onto his lap and nodding to Lex. There, we sat in an awkward position while he held my arms down and allowed me to relax into his chest. I wiggled against him, uncomfortable with his restraint. "Jo is going to keep you still, don't fight him. This'll sting like a bitch." He started. In a quick, nimble swoop of his fingers, I could feel the stitching needle pierce my skin. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I chose to relax into Josiah, biting my lower lip.

            When he was finished, Lex took a cool rag and wiped my face clean of dried blood before helping me to my feet. Grabbing my arms, he lifted me off of his uncle before helping me stabilize on my own two feet. He walked me to my now reclined seat and helped me lean back, placing a pillow and blanket in my seat for me to sleep. I welcomed a nap. This time, though, I didn't dream.

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