Part 12

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As I walked back into the elegant home, I found myself wandering. I had only seen the first floor and was dangerously curious about the remainder of the home. Each step to the upper level sent searing pain through my legs and back. I huffed for air, clutching my ribs, trudging forward. Finally, a moan of relief fell from my lips. I nearly fell to the floor right then, but, a strong hand steadied my steps.

            "I gotcha." Lex said, grabbing my arm and placing his other hand around my waist to help me walk. "I'll show you your room." He smiled.

            "I want to see the rest of the house." I demanded. He looked at me, concerned.

            "But you're in pain." He stilled, still holding me securely.

            "So? I'll be in pain lying in bed, too. May as well pass the time." I smiled. He nodded in an uncomfortable agreement before we sauntered down the hall. He showed me the other bedrooms before stopping before two large oak doors, delicate detail intricately carved into the wood.

            "This is a very special room." He started. "This is our meditation room." He smiled. "We built it after your mother came to us. She said it helped her connect with you, helped her dreams." He smiled. "Would you like to see it?" I nodded, a smile drawing over my face. When the double doors opened, my jaw dropped. The room was full of gorgeous tapestry, exuding warmth. There were two soft mats placed in the middle of the room surrounding a stone fountain, water trickling from the middle.

            "Do you like it?" He asked.

            "I love it, its exquisite." I smiled, turning to him. His arm wrapped around me before leaning down, only inches from my face.

            "It sure is." His gaze burned into me, my knees nearly buckling under the intensity. His tall, brooding body towered over me as he leaned even closer, his lips tracing my cheeks. "I'm sorry for earlier, I just- it bothers me to see James touching what is mine." I pulled back, cocking my head in confusion.

            "Yours?" I nipped playfully at his chin, "How so? I haven't made a choice." He smiled arrogantly.

            "When we initially heard of you, you chose me. You were supposed to be mine. It wasn't until we started changing things that James became a potential. We created waves, Sarah, and he was one of them. You were always meant to be mine and, as far as I'm concerned, you are."

            "Is that so?" I smirked, inching slightly closer.

            "It is." He said. His hands danced up my arms before his palm rested at the base of my neck, his fingertips delicately clutching my hair. Fire ignited in my soul, my eyes flashing with intensity, and he kissed me. His lips met mine in a chaotic frenzy of protective passion and lust. I returned the kiss, matching his passion and leaning deeper into him as his free hand supported my weakened stance.

            "What. The. Fuck." James' voice echoed from the walls, disrupting our heated moment. We pulled away, breathless and embarrassed. "I guess you made your choice, love." James looked at his brother with betrayal in his eyes. "It's alright, I knew this would happen. I just want you to be happy." He turned to look at Lex, smiling innocently. "So help me god, though, if you fuck this up, I will ruin you." He laughed at his brother, relieving the tension in the room. "I need a fucking drink." He walked out of the door as quickly as he had entered. I took a step back, wincing in pain as I stumbled over my feet that had conveniently fallen asleep. A quick hand flew up and grabbed my arm to prevent my fall.

            "I'd like to rest, now." I smiled, Lex taking my hand. With one arm, he slipped his hand to my waist and pulled me into him, the other cradled beneath my knees, swooping me into his chest. Without any hint of difficulty, he walked me to my room. When the door swung open, white curtains hung from the windows and French doors. To my right, a gorgeous bathroom welcomed me with a walk in shower and gorgeous gray tile floors. I looked to the center of the room, where an oversized bed welcomed me with open arms and light grey bedding. I sighed as I was placed onto the warmth, not even bothering to crawl under the covers. Lex pulled the fluffy white throw blanket over me, kissing my cheek and handing me the remote to a tv mounted on the wall opposite the bed.

            "So, I guess I made my decision." I smiled. Lex sat on the edge of the bed next to me. His smile melted my soul.

            "It was always meant to be this way, Sarah, really. There wasn't supposed to be a decision." He grabbed my hand, sweetly, squeezing it before standing and turning to the door.

            "What if I would've chosen James?" I asked, my eyebrows raising in inquisition.

            "Then I would've let him love you, instead." He responded. "I can't force you, neither can he. We agreed to let you decide- and you did." He kissed my forehead gently before walking out of the room. "If you need me, yell. Don't worry about waking me up." He called from the doorway. I tucked the warm white throw over my shoulders before laying in utter silence. I didn't want to sleep.

No. I didn't want to dream.

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