Part 5

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I could hear that familiar melody dancing around the oak walls as my feet traced that familiar marble. The walls wound and tore through darkened halls as lights flickered and shimmered, twirling with the melodic contour. The white piano sat still in the center of the ballroom, welcoming my fingertips to tickle its keys. Sitting at the white bench, my fingers curved to play my first notes. With a whirlwind of screams and shock, the piano wretched, twisting into rotted vines and wilted flowers. In the echoes of the empty halls, I felt a presence I couldn't claim. Standing in the doorway of the ballroom, a man in a suit lurched towards me, his hands reaching for my throat. Screaming a rattled list of names, I woke up in a hospital room, the fervent beeping of a monitor turned into the stammering of people walking in and out of the room. A soft, warm hand and familiar eyes looked over me, squeezing my palm. The milky hues of sunrise poured into the windows, tracing lights across the tile floors.

            "You're alright. You're safe." My mother's voice was silky and smooth, ribbons of chills and shudders cascaded down my spine.

            "A dream?" I asked, peaking into my mother's eyes as they fluttered softly, the golden brown pools looking directly towards me.

            "A seizure, a long one, at that, eight minutes, actually." Lex's voice rattled deep in his chest, like he hadn't slept yet. "I timed it." He sauntered towards the bed, eagerly sitting at my legs. An inexplicably tense air fell between us; I could sense his want to touch me, but he held steadfastly to his restraint.

            "Are they usually that long?" My mother's voice cut the tension between Lex and I, but only for a moment. I was quickly reminded of his closeness as he shifted his weight to one side, placing his arms across my legs to rest on the bed. His body loomed over me and a slight, vibrant echo of a connection jolted through me.

            "No, not typically, but, I didn't take my medicine today." I smiled at my mother, patting her hand reassuringly.

            "Do you usually feel them coming like that? I mean, it was like you knew it was going to happen?" Lex leaned slightly closer, bringing his hand to brush my thigh gently.

            "Usually, but, I've never dreamt after one before." I flicked my hand slightly, suddenly feeling a throbbing pain in my wrist. I held it tightly to my chest, my fingers running down the bandage.

            "You hit it on the coffee table when you first started to seize. It'll be fine in a few days. Tell me about the dream." Lex's face tilted towards mine, leaning into my faint, tired whisper.

            "I think I just dreamt my death." I responded.

            "The piano?" He asked.

            "How did you know abo-" Lex's gentle squeeze on my thigh interrupted my thoughts.

            "Your mom has been dreaming of your death since she came to us. We were hoping by bringing you with us yesterday would change it." His jaw clenched tightly as he leaned protectively over me. "I guess we were wrong."

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