Chapter 3

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When i wake up for the weekend I get excited. I get to see Ana and Madison today. I have to get ready so i push my up. I take a quick shower and dry off. I start my makeup and hair but their is a knock on my door.

"Yes?" I yell.

"Breakfast is waiting for you" Ricky says.

I finish up and then go to my closet. Of course a white cardigan, bustier, and a pair of jean shorts. My fav outfit. I thrown on a pair of flip flops and head downstairs. I get down stairs and all the guys are on the couch. I set my small book bag for the things i buy by the door. I don't wanna carry bags while riding my skateboard.

I grab my plate and eat the bacon and eggs slowly. Meat isn't my favorite either. I finish and go back to the kitchen and someone follow me. Kian. I turn to him and look at him in the eyes.

"Can we pretend like that never even happened?" I ask.

"No, we can't. Cause I enjoyed it." He smirks.

He grips my waist and pulls me close. I put my hands on his chest and create some distance between us, at lest the most i can.

"Stop" I say looking away.

"No never" He smiles.

He leans in and kisses me hard. I attempt t push him but then again the spark comes. The spark makes me kiss back each time. I have waited for that kind kiss to come. A minute later he pulls away. I look him in the eye. I see something other than darkness. I see lust.

I hear footsteps and i push kian back. I turn around and start cleaning dishes. Or attempt to. Kian smiles at me and moves closer.

"Kian what are you doing?" Ricky yells.

I turn around to see Kian reaching for my ass. I gasp at him, kinda offended.

"I taught i told out my sister is off limits. I don't need her getting hurt as well" Ricky growls.

"I'm sorry" Kian says.

"Please get out of the kitchen so i can talk to Laura" Ricky sighs.

Kian leaves and i look at Ricky. HE starts ranting how he doesn't want me to get hurt. I sit there and listen but then i realize.

"You don't think i am strong enough to handle it, do you?" I ask.

"I never said that" He says quickly.

"But you were thinking it, weren't you?" I angrily say.

"You aren't as strong as you think Laura" He sighs.

I stomp out of the kitchen. Ricky reaches for my arm but i pull it away from his grasp.

"Stop it Ricky" I spit.

"Laura please" He begs.

"Dude let her cool off" Jc says.

"Thank you" I fake smile at Jc.

I grab my penny board and walk out the door. I start ridding off to the mall with my phone in my hand and my wallet in the other. I listen to my music, I came up with this song and it is amazing. Unbreakable.

"We're gonna run through fire
Like we've never been burned
We're gonna laugh out loud
Like we've never been hurt
We're gonna shout it out to the edge of the world
We're unbreakable
You're unbreakable" I sing to myself.

I get to the mall and quickly jump off my pen board. I walk inside of Hot Topic to look for the girls. Ht Topic has a lot of merchandise so i love shopping there. I end up buying a few things. Black Veil Brides leggings, magcon hoodie, Taylor caniff top, Jacob whitesides top, and a o2l top. I buy them and then go over to Ana and Madison.

"Hey girl" Ana smiles.

"Hey" I smile.

We meet up at the mall once a month and we talk. About boys. They always talk about their relationships. Madison with Connor and Ana with Trevor. Sometimes it can b a bit annoying but other times i ship them a lot.

"Me and Connor are going well but i feel like we don't have any spark or anything anymore" Madison frowns.

"Role play" Ana winks.

"Ew" I laugh.

We walk around shopping and stuff but soon we get hungry. we sit down and i get a smoothie from a small place. Mango, yummy.

"Guy's i have something to tell you.  I don't know why i did it and i regret it a bunch." Ana says.

"Tell us" I say rubbing her hand.

"I cheated on Trevor while i was drunk" She spits out.

"How could you?" I raise my voice.

Trevor i like a brother to me. He is my 15 year old baby. I told Ana if she ever hurt him I would rip her head off but i guess she didn't get the point.

"I said i was drunk!" She says.

"That doesn't give you the right to be a slut" I say back harshly.

"Wow. I'm the slut now. Look at you!" She says.

"That makes no sense! I don't have a boyfriend i cheated on" I yell.

"You lost your virginity at 14" She shouts back.

"At least someone wanted to have sex with me" I slap back at her.

"You know what, i always taught you were just  ugly fat bitch that deserved to die. Go kill yourself or cut yourself trying." She spits.

"Bitch" I say.

She raises her hand to slap me but I beat her to it. The slap echos in the mall and everyone's head turns. I storm out o the mall and throw down my board. I stuff my things in my book bag. I ride back to my house quickly.

Once i get home i run upstairs. The boys don't even notice me till i slam the door shut to my bedroom. I hear a scream from Ricky, probably lecturing me not the slam the door. I blast the music in m room and i start crying. The tears run down my cheak.

I scream and yell bu no one can hear me The music is to loud. I slide down my door crying. I turn my head to lookto the ony thing that would help. A blade.

Broken and Bruised-Kian Lawley/O2LWhere stories live. Discover now