Chapter 10

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Back to school I go.The worst part was going to be cheer practice.

At the bell I walk out to the field in my practice clothes. I see everyone stretching and smiling. I put on my peppy face and walk onto the field. Everyone looks at me and smiles.

"Hey girl. Glad to see our captain is doing well." Samantha smiles.

"I'm fine" I laugh.

We get to work. We need to get ready for states.

After practice we were all sweating and everyone wanted to go some where and eat. I had to go home and do something else. At least that was what i told them. I get to my car and climb into the seat. I ride home with my roof down and the music blaring. When i get home I notice that everyone else was gone.

I climb up the stairs and decide to take a shower. I hop in with music playing in the background. I hum alone to the melody. After shaking my hair dry I look into the mirror. That was a big mistake. I look in the mirror and see a girl that i really don't wanna see. I lift my shirt just a bit and look at my stomach.

"Why do I have to look like this?" I cry.

I look in the mirror and my eyes go strait to my wrists. My scars stand out more than anything else on my body. I hold my wrist to my face and run my finger over the darker scars. I start to cry more and I couldn't take it any longer.

I slide down the back of the door and curl up into a ball. I feel the tears hitting my thighs and I don't even care. I crawl over to the cabinet were I keep my extra blades and I slowly pick one up. I twirl it in my fingers and let out one long sign. I drag the cold medal over my wrist and it feels like heaven. I missed doing it so much.

I get out of the bathroom after cleaning myself up. I head over to my balcony and I watch the pool water move under the sunlight. I hear the boys get home and I sigh. I crawl back into my room and wait. Sure enough.

"Laura" Ricky yells.

I head down stairs and when i reach the bottom i smile. Ricky stand there as well as the other boys. They had their hands full with movies and slushies. We use to so this two years ago. Stay up all night watching movies and eating candy. Our moms would get pissed the next day. I just smile and run to Ricky.

"I love you" I smile.

That night I kind of for got about all of the drama. The lying, the pain, and even the cuts.

While we were sitting there Kian tumbled in the front door. I don't dare to look back at him. I can hear him slowly creeping up the stairs. The boys all turn to look but I keep watching the movie. He slams the door and I can hear yelling in his room.

"Ignore him" Jc says next to me.

"I learned to do that pretty well" I say frowning.

When everyone went to bed I decided to stay up. I ly on my bed staring out the window. I can hear the beach waves crashing down on the beautiful sand. I listen to hear something right, something to hold on to. I can feel the tears running down my face and hitting my arm. I don't dare to move or make a noise.

"Make it all stop"

Kian. He sounded like he was crying. I slowly got up from my bed and walked over to his door.  I lean against it and in two seconds the door opens. He stands there with a bottle in his hand. His knuckles are white from grabbing the bottle to hard. His eyes had bags all around them.

"What the hell are you doing?" He says very loud.

I walk into the room and close the door behind me. I turn back to Kian and he sets the bottle down.

"Whats wrong?" I ask.

"Never ask me what is wrong! Nothing is wrong with me. I am perfectly fine. You are the one who is fucked up in the head."

I gasp and reach for the door knob but he grabs my arm.

"Get the hell off me Kian. Stop being a dick" I yell.

In seconds his fist was against my face. You could hear it hitting me, it was very loud. I looked back at Kian and he look different.

The life had gone back in his eyes. I ad to be hurt in order for him to be happy.

"Laura, I.." He starts.

I rush out of the room before he could do anything else. I shut my door and started to cry. I launched myself into my bed and started to sob.

"Why me?" I cry.

"Whats wrong with me?"

Broken and Bruised-Kian Lawley/O2LWhere stories live. Discover now