Chapter 14

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I looked at Jc and then looked at Kian marching up the stairs. I followed after him not wondering what the other boys were thinking. I wanted to make sure that he was ok.

I stumbled into his room to see him passing back and forth. He was angry. He was running his fingers through his hair. And he looked pissed.

His veins were popping out of his neck and forehead. His muscles looked even larger than normal and his face was turning red.

"You are mine. Not his." He says yelling at me with a finger at me.

"I'm not anyone's." I mumble.

"What did you say?" He shouts.

"Nothing." I almost whisper.

He stomps over to me, "Speak up when spoken to."

"I'm sorry." I whine trying to speak up.

"You are not to do anything else with Jc or anyone. Do you hear me?" He yells in my face.

The door is pushed open and there stand Ricky. Kian has me against the wall and is right in my face.

Ricky pulls him off of me and shoves him back.

"Get the hell away from my sister." he yells.

Ricky pushes me out and I rush out with tears forming. I throw on a pair of shorts and a sweater. I run down the stairs. And without stopping I grabbed a board and ran outside. All the other boys were in the room with Kian so no one stopped me.

I didn't even care I just started going. The tears were coming even harder down my face. I head to the beach. I head to one of the cliffs near the water. We always use to go there as kids, me and Ricky. When we came to business trips with my dad, we came here.

But once he got into O2L everything changed. He started ignoring my family and even me. All of a sudden he could no longer come see us. But when they all moved LA. He was like he didn't even existed.

"Fuck" I smile.

It still looked the exact same. Vines going down the rocks, the giant rock before the cliff you could sit on. It look absolutely stunning up here.

I whip off the tears on my face and lay down on the rock. I look out into the ocean and then close my eyes. I listen to all the birds and the sound of the waves crashing against the sand.

"Beautiful." I speak.

I just lay there and turn up my music. I blast metal songs cause that was the mood I was in.

I stand up and look over the edge. It was a good size cliff, 100 feet maybe. I sit down on the ledge and look out. I swing my feet back and forth and think.

Should I do it?

"Yes you should." I said out loud.

What about Ricky?

What about Jc?

What about Kian?

All these questions came into my head and I started crying even more. I went back over to the rock and started to text  the group chat of 02L. I started to say goodbye to everyone.

In a minute Ricky was already calling me. I stared at the phone waiting for something to happen. I then picked it up and held it to my ear.

"Yes" I say still sobbing.

"Stop what ever you are going to do Laura." Ricky cries.

"But Ricky I wanna jump." I sob.

I hear him mutter something to someone and then return to the phone.

"Stop Laura" he yells.

"I'm so sorry Ricky." I cry.

I hang up the phone to Ricky yelling. I set down my phone and turn off the sound. I walk back over to the edge and look down.

"You can do this." I smile and close my eyes.

I looked out into the water and just watched. I stared off into space. Remember things from my past and crying even more. I keep thinking about things I till I look back down.

I rub the tears from my cheeks and I take a deep breath. I raised one foot and hanged it over the edge.

"Here we go." I let out.

Broken and Bruised-Kian Lawley/O2LWhere stories live. Discover now