Chapter 11

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"Laura wake up" Ricky yells.

I slowly get up from my bed and walk over to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see something horrible. My sleeves were rolled up and my cuts from last night showed, my makeup was down my face, and my hair was in a mess.

"You need to get ready." Jc says from m bed room.

"I am getting ready. Just give me 30 minutes" I say.

I start to get ready and clean up. I shower and prepare myself for whatever bullshit they have planned for me today.

I get dressed and run down the stairs. Jc and Ricky stand by the door while Sam and Connor just sits on the couch.

"Why are us three just going?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." Rick smiles.

On the drive over there I as thinking of what it could possibly be. Are they buying me something? Is it a god surprise? Out of everything I could come up with it wasn't what I got. They are taking me to a therapy session.

"Hell no." I say from the back of the car.

"Laura it is not a option" Ricky says raising his voice.  

"Well I don't want to be put on meds and no longer have a life." I almost yell.

"Laura you are not alright! There is something wrong with you and you need to get better." Ricky says.

I was dragged into the room and sat down in a chair next to Jc and Ricky. Sitting across from me was some old lad with glasses and gray hair. I sit in my chair laid back and with my arms across my chest.

"Now Laura I am going to ask you a few questions." She smiles.

"How many hours of sleep do you get?" She asks, looking up from her pad of paper.

"The regular 6-8 hours of sleep I guess." I mumble.

"Ok. Now have you ever self harmed?" She looks at me.

"No" I say.

"She has." Ricky says.

"When was the last time?" She looks at Ricky.

"Like in the past couple of days." He frowns.

"Now Laura have you ever thought about suicide?" She asks.

"No, never." I would never tell her that is always on my mind.

"Laura stop lying!" Ricky says crawling to the edge of his seat.

The lady starts to scribble something down on her paper and looks up at Ricky and Jc.

"For the next 15 minutes I want to sit with just Laura and talk." She smiles.

She walks to two boys out and sits down back in her chair across from me. She looks into my eyes and smiles.

"You know you are actually a beautiful young girl." She says.

"Ya you are a therapist, you are paid to say that."

"No actually you really are."

"How long do I have to do this?" I sigh,

"Until you get better." She smiles.

Soon the session was over with and I could go home. I marched my way to Ricky's car and open up the trunk. I started to take out my skate board. There is always a skateboard when you are in this family.

'Where do you think you are going?" Ricky asks.

"I don't know. Probably going to skateboard off a cliff or get ran over." I smirk.

"Laura what the hell?" Jc yells.

Ricky and I both stare at Jc. He has been silent almost this whole time and all of a sudden he bursts.

"Ricky get in the car and turn up the music." He speaks firm.

Ricky slowly gets into the car and cranks up the music so he could not hear us. We stand there in a parking that is almost empty.

"What can't you accept that someone wants to help you?" He yells.

"Because I don't want fucking help. Why can't you accept that?" I shout.

"Stop being so selfish. Suicide won't help in any way." He sighs.

"I want this pain to fucking stop."

"No committing suicide will be the puss way out. You are just being a fucking coward."

"Wow Jc." I frowned.

I threw down my skate board and Jc started begging me not to go. I pulled out my head phones and plugged them up to my phone. I started blasting my music. I road my skateboard until Ricky was no longer following me. I skated to the beach and decided to stay there for a bit.

I could see the house from here and I saw all the lights on waiting for me to come home. It was almost midnight and I wasn't read to go home. I noticed someone stumbling down the beach who was clearly drunk. I saw that their shirt was completely unbuttoned and they still were drinking. they carried a bottle of liquor in their hand.

As the person got closer I was able to make out their features. When the person was close to me, I noticed that it was Kian. I quickly stood up and rushed over. I took t he bottle from his hands and he turned towards me.

"Stop give me back the bottle." He yelled

"No. Kian you need to come back home with me." I say.

"No I don't want to go back there. I hate it there." He shouts.

"I know. I do too. But lets go home and we can sleep together tonight." I try to convince him.

"Ok" He says falling to my shoulder.

I walk him back to the house with my skateboard in one hand and him in the other.  I slowly walk up the steps and into the house. I turn around and all the boys stand there.

"I don't want to hear anything. Just leave me alone." I say.

"Laura I" Ricky starts.

"Ricky stop." I say.

I walk up the stairs with Kian in my arms. I get him all tucked in and cleaned up before I start to get ready for bed. I walk back in and check on Kian. He looks up and me and smiles.

"Night" I smile.

"No you are sleeping right here." he says patting the bed beside him.

I think about just leaving but I slowly crawl beside him. He wraps his arms around my stomach and holds me close.

Broken and Bruised-Kian Lawley/O2LWhere stories live. Discover now