Chapter 29

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What the fuck?! I was talking to that kid! Why do you always take me away, God? Lord? Whoever it is up there?!

"It's nice to see you finally believe in God."

Jimmy sprang apart; he was so shocked by the sudden barge from the voice behind him. He scanned around, he was in a pediatric ward again, but different hospital this time. The scenario was still the same though. Babies wailing, nurses rushing and heart monitors beeping.

His head twisted and turned, searching for the owner of that mysterious voice. Third time he twirled, he found a man dressed in black suit and tie stood calmly beside him, watching those babies from the gazing window.

"Holy shit! Where did you come from?!"

The man smiled. Jimmy studied his look. His hair was copper colored, he had dimples on his stubbly cheek and his eyes - were electric blue.

"I was here all along. Watching you."

"That's creepy dude."

He laughed aloud. "James Owen Sullivan. You have always been the brightest among others. Always the funniest and bringing life to the party."

Jimmy smirked. "You damn right I am. Wait, how did you know me again?"

"You don't remember me?"

Jimmy stood up straight. His eyes rolled up, thinking hard, and searching for a face in his memories. He only recalled concerts, booze, pills, Leana and Zoey, the band, thousands of faces in crowds, Matt's dimple, Valerie in a wedding dress, Brian's spiky hair, Johnny's little hands, Zacky's green eyes, Michelle's charmbracelet and Blake.

He glared at the man again. Slowly he shook his head in denial.

"Think really hard. We saw each other once. Once only."

Jimmy couldn't help but frown. His forehead creased into multiple layers of skin until a flock of nurses and doctors passed by, pushing a wheeled bed in such rush that he had to give ways for them. There was a body of a boy on it. Laid stiff and not moving.

At that moment, His mind curled back to a year ago.


"260, clear!"

Jimmy watched as his own stiff body was being pumped by people dressed in dark blue jumpsuit. His body laid there, limped and not moving. He heard a crying voice behind him, it was Brian. He couldn't bear to watch him broke down to his feet, so he turned away and just watched the paramedic did their job.

"Date and time of death, 28th December 2009, 8.45 am."

Jimmy turned around. He wanted to say something to Brian so bad, but he was apart from his body first thing when he woke up this morning.

"How can you commit suicide Jim? How can you not see that all the people around you, love you so fucking much?"

He heard Brian muttered under his breath after the paramedic gave him his condolences speech.

"No, Brian! Fuck, I didn't commit suicide! I was...suffering."


A voice of Michelle came into the room and Jimmy can only afford to watch them embraced in full of regret upon his passing. Later came in Zacky and Johnny, and the four of them cried together in a group hug.

"James Owen Sullivan."

Jimmy turned around so quickly that he might snap his neck off. A man wearing a black suit and tie with a white crisp linen shirt inside it smiled at him with his welcoming blue eyes.

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