Chapter 12

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Blake chewed the burger slowly as the twins stared at her, again. She felt uneasy but her stomach needed to be filled. Jimmy had moved out of her body once Matthew decided to take her back. She woke up to an unfamiliar place, blank pages appeared in her memory as she didn’t remember a thing during Jimmy’s possession.

“Who are you exactly?” Valerie suddenly spoke.

She’d been worried about her husband’s reaction towards this girl. He was crying hard and took the girl into an embrace, right in front of her eyes. Matthew then paid for her hospital bill and decided to bring her home. His face was smiling happily as he asked Valerie to take care of her while he went to their photoshoot. And now here they are, with Michelle too.

Blake swallowed her food and glanced on her left. Jimmy was there, sitting beside her. He’d promised to never leave her side again.

“My name is Blake Quinn. I’m from Alberta, Canada.”

Michelle opened her mouth to speak but Blake cut her off.

“I did not follow you guys here. I came here -” she glared at Jimmy briefly. “- voluntarily.”

Michelle and Valerie looked at each other.

“I’m sorry if I ever made you guys upset or whatever but believe me, I don’t want to be here in the first place.”

“But just now you said you came here voluntarily.”

“I was being nice.”

Michelle raised her eyebrows. “Being nice…to whom?”


Both of them were taken aback, mouth dropped and eyes widened at her. Blake continued to enjoy her burger, while she can.

Jimmy waved to Valerie and Michelle but then he realized they can’t see him.

“Is he here?” Valerie leaned forward and whispered.

Blake nodded. Valerie gasped and leaned back.

“This is so Ghost Whisperer.” She commented as the hair on the back of her neck stood up suddenly.

“Can you prove it?” she asked again.

Blake hesitated. “Probably not here. People would freak out.”

Valerie glanced around. They were now at a diner and there were a lot of people here having their meal. She nodded and leaned back again.

“I never catch you guys’ name.” Blake asked as she was finished with her burger.

“Jimmy didn’t tell you?”

Blake chuckled. Jimmy did tell her everything about his friends but she was too scared to listen. Somehow after Jimmy had possessed her, she felt braver and more confident.

“He did, but I didn’t really pay attention.”

Jimmy rolled his eyes at her. He was being silent this time. He didn’t even know why.

“I’m Valerie, and this is my sister Michelle. The guy that hugged you earlier is my husband, named Matthew and Michelle here is married to Brian.”

“The one with the spiky hair.”

Michelle nodded. Jimmy clapped his hands happily when he heard that Michelle finally married to Brian.

“Mich!! Finally you and Brian! Wow! I wish I was there…or was I? I think I remember seeing you in a wedding dress…”

“I don’t remember hugging anyone though.” Blake added, ignoring Jimmy’s rant.

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