Chapter 10

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Blake went into the dark room. There were unoperated cameras everywhere, the cables on the floor looked like some dead snakes in her path.

“Hello? Anybody in here?”

Nobody answered her. She stepped in even further, wiping tears off her cheeks. Then she saw a figure, sitting down on the floor, face buried in the knees.

“Jimmy!” She ran towards him. After spending somewhat an hour in the dressing room not knowing what to do, Blake decided to go search for him.

“Jimmy, are you okay? Where have you been? Why weren’t you with me?”

She gathered her courage to touch his cold shoulder. Shivers went down her spine, as usual when her palm landed on there.

“Jimmy, answer me!”

Jimmy slowly raised his head. His black eyelinered eyes gazed at her weakly.

“I can’t cry Blake. I want to cry, but I can’t.”


“I don’t have any tears anymore.”

Blake frowned at him, but she dropped down to the floor too, sitting beside him.

“Can dead people actually cry?” she wondered to herself, but out loud. Jimmy smiled at her innocence.

“Anyway, why the fuck weren’t you with me? Do you know what they said to me back there? They said I’m a fucking fraud! That big muscled guy scared the hell out of me! Where were you?!”

Jimmy blinked at her. All of his sadness towards his band mates now, gone.

“Wow, you cursed.”

Blake gasped. Hands over her mouth. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

Jimmy laughed. Gradually his laugh became harder that he actually rolled on the floor.

“What’s so funny??”

“You are! Look at you! Only spending a day with them and you’ve changed!”

With her lips pouted, she put her hands across her chest. Luckily Jimmy was already dead. Otherwise she would have killed him right now.

“Hello?” a voice suddenly echoed through the room. Blake stood up abruptly. So did Jimmy. There was a guy, wearing a headphone at the doorway, staring at her.

“We are closed. Who are you and what are you doing in here?”

Blake quickly picked up her backpack, ran out of there, past him and saying sorry, with Jimmy behind her.

“Sorry, we just had sex on your floor. Be sure to clean it up okay?” Jimmy jokingly said to the guy but the guy ignored him.

Outside on the street, Jimmy continued to laugh watching Blake’s panic expression and her alert movements.

“It’s not funny Jimmy. Cut it out!”

“It is funny. You gotta admit. Look at you right now. Sneaking out of a studio when everybody was already gone. Cursing and everything. You’ve really changed, Blake!”

“Shut up!” she turned her back at him. Jimmy settled his laugh finally and teleported in front of her.

“Aww…look at that face. You’re mad at me? I can hang my jacket on your long pouty lips you know.”

Her eyes narrowed as she slapped Jimmy’s shoulder hard. He winced, and felt a sharp pain on it.


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