Chapter 22

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Zacky threw a glance at her way, a shot of whisky ready in his grasp. He still saw her as Jimmy instead of her own self but they have two very different personalities. The Blake in front of him now was gentle, her blue eyes glinting soft whenever she smiled and would carefully listened to their wild and loud conversation through the night. So different than when Jimmy was inside her.

He was confused as hell. But in his heart he couldn't help but feel something for her. Ever since Jimmy possessed her and made her look beautiful than ever, he was hooked. But tried to hold back as he remembered that he was still in a relationship with Tona.

As of right now, he's not anymore.


"Hey, baby! I haven't heard from you in a while! How are you doing?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

Zacky frowned at his phone, wondering why did Tona sound a little upset.

"I'm fine. What's wrong babe? You sound a little down."

Tona paused for a while. He listened to her breathing and said nothing.

"Zacky, we need to end this."

He froze.

"I found someone."

His head spinning, his teeth glued together and his brows furrowed hard hearing that three words coming from her mouth.

"What? You cheated on me? Tona, what did I do wrong?"

"Nothing. You didn't do anything wrong. It's just, this long distance thing isn't gonna work out between us."

"How the fuck do you know that for sure?"

"By the way you blow your temper out on me everytime we talked on the phone."

Zacky laughed in disbelief. "So that's where I do wrong, huh? You turn to some other guy and tattle-tailed and he's comforting you with his charm and then you both end up in a bed?"

"Zacky, it wasn't anything like that! I was getting tired of us fighting over the phone and you cried everytime I mentioned Jimmy's name."

"Now you bring out Jimmy? What did he ever do to you?"

"See! You talk as if he was alive! I can't take this anymore. We need to end this."

"You know what, screw this. I can't be with someone who doesn't love Jimmy the way I do. We're over."


It was painful, because they have been together for 3 years. But long distance made it too difficult for them to be themselves again. And his sorrow about Jimmy hadn't gone down until he met Blake. The first time he spent with Jimmy being inside her, he felt alive again. He didn't cry alone anymore. He wanted to sleep beside him again like they used to when they were touring.

Jimmy didn't mind at the time, he was drunk anyway. But Zacky felt tingled inside his heart when he pulled Blake's body close in his arms, although they were sleeping altogether with the whole crew except Arin. He can still remember the scent from her hair as he nuzzled her neck drunkenly. He didn't see Jimmy at all, he only saw a beautiful blue eyed girl beside him.

"Fuck it." he cursed softly and downed his whisky at last. He moved over to Blake who was now sitting alone at the bar counter after Michelle and Valerie left her to find their own husbands.

It was pretty hard to get her to be alone now. The guys had always surrounded her like she was a newborn child in an expecting family. They all tried to talk to Jimmy, being funny and crazy as they used but it just didn't seem right doing it through a middle person. Zacky wondered mindlessly whether Jimmy was actually there with her or not.

Truth was, Jimmy had teleported right next to him.

"Hey dude, I know what you're thinking. I saw the way you looked at her. Just don't do it."

Zacky put away his glass shot and paced forward without taking his eyes off Blake. Jimmy stood in front of him and once again felt that queasy sensation when Zacky went through him easily.

"Zacky, you're fucking drunk right now. Don't mess with her head!"

As always, his speech was unheard and being ignored. He just followed suit as Zacky went closer to her, but then both halted at the sight of Johnny who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and went straight for Blake.

"Thank God, short shit!"

Zacky sighed heavily and rubbed his hair in a perfect mess as he saw Blake was smiling at Johnny.

Just when I was about to make a move on her! Why do you have to be such a cockblocker, Johnny?

"Hey, Blake. Why are you sitting alone?"

Blake turned her head and smiled at the sight of Johnny. This guy had been nothing but nice to her all night. Then she glanced around at the twins and their husbands who were now sitting in a booth and conversing with each other.

"Because Jimmy's not with me right now. You're looking for him too?"

Johnny chuckled and blinked at her lap.

"I was wondering if I can talk to you for a second."

Blake shrugged and nodded.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to Jimmy. Straight to him. Can you do this for me?"

Her eyebrows shot up straight, her eyes traveled over his face and landed on his lip ring.

"You want him to possess me again?"


She closed her eyes, considering this. She wouldn't let Jimmy see her body naked anymore but then again, she kind of gave it up to him this morning.

"What do you want to talk about so much? You can't let me know?"

"Apparently not. It's between me and him. We made a promise when he was alive."

She took a deep breath and looked around for Jimmy. She saw Zacky first, and Jimmy was standing beside him but both were staring at her. She smiled brightly and waved at them - at Zacky mostly. Zacky didn't reply and just turned his way towards the couples in the booth.

"What's wrong with Zacky?"

Johnny too saw how he coldly turned his shoulder away from Blake but he did know the reason for it.

"He broke up with his girlfriend today."

"Oh dear. Is he okay?"

"He'll get over it. Hey, can you do it?"

"Do what?" suddenly Jimmy stood next to Johnny and interrupted. Blake shot a glare at him, as a warning to never do that again.

"Oh God, he's next to me isn't he?"

Blake turned her gaze towards Johnny. "Yeah. How did you know?"

"I can feel the hair on my neck stand up."

"Right, he has that effect, isn't he?"

Johnny chuckled nervously and looked to his left.

"Dude, I wanna talk to you. But I need to hear your answer straight away. Can you possess Blake one more time, for me?"

Jimmy couldn't believe his ears. What is this? A request for possession?

"What do you wanna talk about?" he asked and Blake translated back to Johnny.

"You know what." Johnny simply answered, and then left them with his drink in hand.

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