Chapter 15

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It was too comfortable. She didn't want to wake up. Though the sunlight was forcing through the curtains to her eyes, she refused to wake up. From under her eyelashes she saw a length of tatted arm rested warmly on her belly. Eyes widened, she froze, thinking wildly of what has happened. Blank blotches in her memory were of no help as her eyes traveled from the arm to a body of a man next to her.

Not long after, she gasped quite loudly when she saw there were four men sleeping soundly beside her and she was in the middle.

"What in the name -?" her voice stopped croaking, when she saw another pair of body among this line of sleeping men. It was those twins and they were curling up in between two other men that Blake recognized as their own husbands.

"Jimmy," she whispered, as that was the last thing she remembered. She was late to realize that her head was pounding like a heartbeat. Without disturbing the arm that rested on her, she pulled out her own arm. Only to find something scribbled underneath it.

A graceful cursive handwriting was plastered along her wrist and it had red painful mark around it.


She touched it and flinched. It felt a bit like burning sensation and she immediately gone panic. She stood up too abruptly causing the man who slept beside her to groan.

Blake ran off looking for Jimmy in yet another unfamiliar place. She found the backdoor to this house and an incredible view of a beach welcomed her once she opened it.

The wind blew quite strongly, making her long burgundy hair to rush into her skin and tickled her face angrily. She had never felt like wanting to curse so much in front of a person before, and now she does.

"Jimmy!" she yelled into the loud breeze. The waves were crashing and fighting her own loud screaming.

"Jimmy!!" she ran further until her bare feet sank into the damp sand of the beach, but didn't realize that her head was knocking and killing. She dropped down, hands in her hair. She had never been in hangover since she dropped out of college and lost contact with her brother.

"Was Jimmy gone already? Has he passed on?" she asked herself.

Since Jimmy's one and only request to her was to bring him back here, then he might already be on his way right?

Blake didn't know the answer to that. One thing that she was sure right now; she needed to go home. Home to no one. She walked back into the house and realized that she had slept in the living room with all of them last night. Of course she didn't remember anything, it wasn't her decision to do so. It also wasn't her decision to get so drunk and made a tattoo on her wrist last night.

Damn you, Jimmy.

Blake slowly stepped over their legs and bodies, careful not to wake them. She didn't even realize that she was wearing Valerie's clothes and her face was now smeared in makeup. It was when she reached the glass sliding front door, she gasped at her own reflection.

"Jimmy?" someone called from behind her. She turned and saw the man who put his arm around her earlier had woken up and rubbing his eyes sleepily. It was Zacky.

"I'm not Jimmy."

Zacky stiffened and quickly looked up to her. "Where's Jimmy?"

"I don't know." Blake shrugged.

"Did he-?"

"Probably. I didn't see him at all since I woke up. Usually I do." Well, not really. She only met Jimmy few days ago but still, he'd always been there by her side.

"Guys! Wake up! Jimmy's gone!" Zacky hassled out of his way to wake the others up. Blake can only watch them slowly rose and turn bewildered after knowing that their best friend had left, yet again.

They shattered in panic, while Blake was already making her way out of the door.

"We need to find him. I'm sure he hasn't gone, completely yet." Matthew suggested.

Johnny touched his shoulder, trying to calm him down. "Maybe he's moved on, Matt. He's been dea-"

"No!" Matthew pushed him away roughly and made everyone stunned.

"I haven't told him yet. I haven't told him."

"Told him what?" Zacky asked.

Matthew glanced at Valerie, his wife, who was embracing Michelle.

"That he's gonna be an uncle."

The guys, including Michelle gasped in surprise. They all turned to Valerie and congratulate them both, happily. They forgot for a while that Jimmy was gone, and so did his host body.

"That's why you didn't drink last night! I thought you were just being a bitch" Johnny said, only to be slapped on the shoulder by Valerie after.

"I'm sure Jim's around." Brian jolted suddenly, made everyone turned serious again. "We just need Blake to find him."

All of them twirled to the spot where Blake had stood before. It was empty. Blake had also gone.



Blake didn't know where to go. She walked farther and farther, away from the unfamiliar place, only to find yet another. People passing by looked at her strangely as she was dressed in nightlife attire with her hair messy and her makeup was smeared.

She regretted letting Jimmy possessed her. She shouldn't have let that weird guy kissed her and made her heart beat faster than ever. She had never kissed a guy like that before. The first boy she ever kissed was Grandy, a bully who used full force on her when she was 12. She hated that memory. And although Jimmy kissed her so soft and tenderly, she grew hatred towards it now.

On spur of a moment, Blake stopped walking. Somehow she ended up back to Jimmy's house, which she recognized from the built and the flowers at the front yard. One thing different about this house; the front door was opened wide.

"Hah. They lived not far from each other." She murmured to herself.

She went in, with the intention of obtaining her backpack but as soon as she stepped into the house, there was a man inside it. Dressed as a police officer with his hand scribbled on his notepad, and beside him there was an old lady, talking and explaining.

"I heard a loud noise of breaking in. I'm not sure what happen, probably some drug addicts trying to break into poor Jimmy's house-" she stopped talking as she saw Blake in the doorway.

"I saw her! I saw her coming out of this house yesterday!"

The officer turned too quickly, making Blake jumped. Her feet were stuck to the ground and helplessly didn't move as he pulled her hands behind her back, cuffing them on.

"Miss, you're under arrest for trespassing into private property. You have the right to remain silent..."

Blake can't hear anything else after that. Never in a million years would she imagine having her world turned upside down like this. It was all because of that ghost.

Where the fuck are you Jimmy?

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