Chapter 5

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"I can't use this. It's not my money."

Jimmy rolled his eyes. If he was alive he would have take that money and flew right back home.

"He paid for the book for crying out loud!"

"Which cost only 15 cad!"

Jimmy ruffled his hair in frustration. This girl was too innocent. He bet that if she started to hang with the guys, it will turn her world upside down.

"You know what. You're right. This is my money. Mr Elmer gave it to me." Blake spoke suddenly after a long while of silence.

Jimmy looked up, his eyes lit like a Christmas tree.

"And I'm going to use it to pay my rent!"

Like a bucket of cold water being thrown down upon him, Jimmy dropped in frustrated. "Oh God, why are you so fucking poor!"

Blake hissed at his complaint. She wasn't used to someone who cursed so much. Her parents never taught her to use those kinds of words in front of people.

"You've never been poor before? Did you become instantly famous like Justin Bieber?"

"Now who the fuck is Justin Bieber?"

"A Canadian pop star. But he made his way to the States."

"I don't give a flying fuck about pop stars! I'm going upstairs!"

"Hey, it's my house, not yours!"

"Whatever!" he stomped angrily and went upstairs.

Blake let out a heavy sigh. She wasn't sure whether she should help that poor man or not. She can barely help herself. Her rent was overdue, her books inventory hasn't changed much ever since this shop was opened and the shop itself - honestly, it looked like a haunted house. No wonder that ghost came flying in here.

She turned to her computer again and read on about Jimmy.

People loved him so much. They were making tattoos of him on their precious body. There's even a song about him. She looked up to the ceiling and wondered.

Why me? Why did Jimmy come to me?

The doorbell chimed again. Mrs Gideon went in.

"Hi there, Mrs Gideon!"

Mrs Gideon smiled at her but she looked alert. She scanned around the room carefully before turning her head to Blake again.

"What's wrong?" Blake whispered to her.

"Nothing dearie. How are you today?" She took off her coat and let it hang on her arm.

"Same old, same old. New recipe again?"

"Not today dear. You look pale, are you okay?"

Blake touched her freckled cheeks. "Am I? Oh probably because of that egg this morning. I do feel a little sick."

Mrs Gideon beamed at her. "Don't be sick, honey. Take a rest. Close this shop for a day or two. Go get some fresh air. You'll feel better."

Blake smiled at the nice lady. But then Jimmy suddenly popped out of nowhere, making her jumped in her seat.

"I just found out that I can teleport! How cool is that?!" he yelled.

Blake's heart almost dropped watching Jimmy like that. Mrs Gideon spun around, her eyes locked with Jimmy's.

"Hi there." Jimmy waved. He knew this woman can't see her, so he just made silly expression in front of her.

"A friend of yours, Blake?" Mrs Gideon suddenly asked.

Both Jimmy and Blake stunned. They stared at the elderly woman before turned their gazes at each other.


"This song is dedicated to our brother. It's been a year since we've lost him. We know you're up there, Jim. We love you."

Matthew spoke from his microphone in front of 15 thousand people who had their hands in the air, waving and their lighters lit up. Brian glanced at him before started strumming his pinstriped guitar away.

"Never feared for anything,

Never shame but never free

I'd like to heal the broken heart with all that it could

Living life so endlessly

Saw beyond what others see

I try to heal your broken heart with all that I could

Will you stay, will you stay away forever?"

Their faces gloomed even though the fans sang along so perfectly, giving energy to them. Brian looked down at all times. Occasionally he glanced over at Arin, their new drummer and pictured Jimmy sitting there, thumping the drums crazily.

Arin was good, he thought. But Jimmy was irreplaceable. He almost couldn't hold back his tears. This song has never failed to make him cry. Not once. He actually didn't agree to play it here but the song had become so popular that everybody was begging for them to play it live.

"I love you, you were ready

Your pain is strong, the urges rise

I'll see you when He lets me

Your pain is gone, your hands untied,"

His eyes started flooding, he was on the verge of bursting out crying but then he spotted his wife beside the stage. Michelle was smiling at him, giving him courage. She nodded at him, her eyes softly blinked. It calmed him down instantly.

"And I need you to, need you to know..."

With that, the song ended and the crowd screamed for them. Brian quickly ran to the side stage to meet his wife. She went towards him too, hastily.

"Oh, baby. Don't cry...they love you." Michelle took his face with both of her hands and wiped the tears from his eyes.

He smiled weakly at her and leaned in to kiss her.

"I love you." he whispered onto her lips.

"Me too. Now go get them, tiger!" she smacked his ass and made him laughed.

Michelle too felt like crying. She couldn't bear seeing him broke down everytime they were playing that song. If only Jimmy was here. If only he can see how miserable they are without him.


"Wait, Mrs Gideon - you can see him?"

Mrs Gideon blinked at them. After a short moment, she let out a heavy sigh.

"It's time, isn't it?"

"Time for what?" Blake and Jimmy said in unison.

"Time for me to tell you the truth, dear."

Both Jimmy and Blake frowned at her. "What truth?"

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