Chapter Eighteen

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Draco dodged a paper ball and looked up irritatedly into the face of the thrower.

"Nice dodge," Fred complimented. George nodded his agreement.

"Thanks. I'm used to objects getting thrown at my head."

"So are we," George said.

"Which is why - " Fred began.

" - we're the perfect Beaters!" George finished.

Draco stared at them in dry annoyance. He hated when they did that.

"Gred, Forge, stop torturing Draco!" Ron called. He hurried over to the Gryffindor table to join them. "We need him to like us enough to live with us for a while!"

Draco grinned. "Oh, don't worry, you have Athena, I'm coming."

Ron grinned back. "Wanna play chess?"

"Hell no," Draco responded. "I'm not playing with you again until I can beat you. Lets play Gobstones."

"Four way?" Fred asked hopefully.

Draco rolled his eyes and stood up. "Why not."

The four headed out to the courtyard where the Gobstones set was.

"So how do we do this four way?" Draco asked.

"Oh, we've done up to eight way, all the siblings and Dad," Ron told him. "You'll get it easily."

Draco did not get it easily, at least not the first three rounds. By the fourth round he was doing alright, but was far from winning. At least it wasn't pissing him off the way losing at chess was. He never used to lose at chess against either Pansy or Blaise, or even Theo back when they were friends, and Theo was practically a genius. Of course, his grades didn't show that, because he didn't give a single shit, but still.

"Hey," Percy greeted, coming over.

"Hey," the four returned.

"You okay?" Fred asked.

Percy rolled his eyes in anger. "Oliver's being a prat."

"Oh just snog him already," George said.

Percy turned bright red. "I don't like him!"

"Suuuuuuuuure," both twins drawled. Ron and Draco snickered.

"I'll have you know I like a girl from Ravenclaw, so there," Percy said, plopping himself down and picking up some pieces. "Five way."

Draco groaned as he had to relearn Gobstones to accommodate a fifth person. At least it wasn't too different from the four way. Even so, he felt unacceptably dumb. Dumb as rocks, to put it more simply.

Ron had definitely warmed up to him now, Draco thought. He couldn't remember quite when the switch happened, but it had happened, and Draco was grateful for that. He really did not want to be homeless come summer. He had decided that his Aunt Andromeda was not going to want to take him in, what with her daughter training to be an auror and all that. Her daughter's name was Nymphadora, he discovered. Who in their right mind names a child Nymphadora? Especially considering who she married...

"Draco, it's your turn."


Professor McGonagall had called him into office a few days ago to discuss his future plans. He had told her the truth, that he didn't want to stay with the Weasleys too long, but didn't think his aunt wanted him. McGonagall had assured him that Andromeda would be delighted to have him, but Draco still didn't believe her. No one would want to take in the son of the sister they hated.

Draco felt a wave of sadness crash over him. He'd probably never see France again for as long as he was in Hogwarts. That was a huge disappointment, since he was half French on his mother's side. He'd never see that little creek again since it was on Malfoy property. He'd never get to show it to Pansy either, or Blaise. He'd never go to a fancy ball again. He wouldn't get to do so many things he had been looking forward to. And even with the awkward half-friendly relationship he had with Pansy and Blaise, his days with them as his best friends were over. Draco found his eyes welling up again. He shook and pressed a hand to his chest as the tight feeling once more grew strong and threatened to suffocate him.

"Mate, are you okay?" Ron whispered.

Draco felt himself choking on his sadness. He shook his head.

There was a moment of nothing, then he felt himself being hauled up and away by one of the twins.

It was George. He knelt down with Draco behind some bushes.

"Do you want to talk about anything?" George asked gently.

Draco shook his head and started crying. George rested a firm hand on his shoulder. Draco leaned in so George's whole arm was around his shoulder's and Draco was resting against him.

"I'm so stupid," Draco said quietly.

"Why's that?"

Draco shrugged. "I just am."

"I think we all say that about ourselves sometimes," George said softly. "It's a part of growing up. You just have to do it too fast because your ex-parents are idiots and hate the house you're in. There's nothing stupid about crying over a lost life, even if it's your own."

Draco nodded. "Thanks."


Draco sat with George for a good five minutes before he was ready to return to the group, who didn't say a word, and just resumed the game. Draco sent a thankful glance to Ron, who must have warned them. Draco felt better now. Especially since his new foster brothers weren't always total menaces. Sometimes, though. They could be monsters.


"Wha time is i?" Ron asked through a yawn.

"It's not late enough for you to use it as an excuse, if that's what you're asking," Hermione stated. She was forcing Harry and Ron to do their homework three days before it was due, and neither of them were having it. Draco was watching from an armchair by the fire, having done his homework on Monday when it was assigned. It really wasn't that  hard. Just boring, which most of his friends - prior and current - were not good at.

Draco was actually reading a muggle book that Hermione had insisted he borrow, Carrie. It was a horror book, which sounded just like Draco's type of book to scare himself shitless right before bed. It was extremely interesting so far. He didn't know girls had those. He wondered if Pansy and Hermione did yet, then decided that it was gross and he didn't want to know. Blood. Out of there. Eugh.

Draco eventually put the book down and watched the fire to give his mind a little break before bed. Fires were beautiful things. They almost seemed alive. Maybe they were, in their own sense, like snitches. Maybe one day Draco could talk with them. That would be cool.

Draco wondered if he had time to practice his flute a bit. He had about fifteen minutes before he had to get ready, and then ten after that before actually going to sleep, so getting out his flute would probably be worth it. He bid goodnight to Hermione and told her he was enjoying the book, and said "good luck" to Harry and Ron before climbing the stairs.

When he entered the room he saw Dean and Seamus sitting on Dean's bed talking excitedly about Merlin-knows-what. They were facing away from the door, so Draco simply put his book on his nightstand, sat on his bed with his flute case, and closed his curtains. What song tonight?

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