Chapter Forty One

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Hermione was driving Pansy pretty crazy. She wouldn't go to sleep because she was scared that Harry, Ron, and Draco would die or something trying to get the Philosopher's Stone. Pansy just wanted to sleep. She really didn't give a damn about saving the world from the Dark Lord at the moment.

"If you're so worried just go find them," Pansy said eventually. "Let me sleep."

Hermione sighed. "I can't go find them. Even if I don't get caught going to the corridor, I won't be able to get past Fluffy without Draco. I can't sing for shit."

"Woah there, language."

"Oh shut up, will you? You swear all the time."

"Geez. Alright. Here, get a bathing suit on. I'm sure soaking in the warm water will help you relax."

Hermione glared at her.

"Hermione, come on. It'll do you no good to worry."

Hermione exhaled loudly. "Fine. I don't have a bathing suit though."


Pinka entered the room. "Yes, Pansy?"

"Can you shrink one of my bathing suits to fit Hermione?" The two girls were both skinny, but Pansy was taller by both the legs and torso, so her bathing suits probably wouldn't fit Hermione right.

"Easily," Pinka said. "Does Pansy care which one Pinka does?"

"The mint one," Pansy responded. "I don't like the way it looks on me."

Pinka went over to their drawers and pulled out the mint colored bathing suit. She examined Hermione for a second and then waved her hand over it.

"It should be fitting you now, Miss Hermione," Pinka said. She held the bathing suit out.

"You can just call me Hermione," Hermione said, taking the bathing suit. "Thank you."

"It is of no problem."

Hermione slipped into the bathroom to get changed and Pansy turned to Pinka.

"How's Mother's body looking?"

"It is being finished now. Pinka got Bitty to help."

"When will the funeral be?"

"After the end of the school year. Also, a letter came in for Pansy."

Pansy held out her hand and Pinka placed a letter into it.

    Dear Pansy,
It's your father. I realize now how ignorant I have been. I believe you now about your curse. I'm not sure what to do. I'm leaning towards disowning you, but it feels wrong when it isn't your fault. I'll have to think about it, and let you know before it is time for you to return home. Do not worry, I would not send you off with nothing like the Malfoys did with Draco. You are still my daughter, so I would send you off with all of your belongings and your vault. I hope you did well on your exams. That might impact my decision. I will owl you again by Friday.
        Regards, Fernand.

Pansy crumpled up the letter and whipped it into the fire. Pinka jumped at the reaction.

"What was it?" Pinka asked.

"It was from Father. He says he can't decide whether to disown me or not."

"Oh, no."

"I can't believe him. Why not wait until he's made a decision?"

"Pinka is not knowing," Pinka said. "Does Pansy want Pinka to leave the room? So she can calm down a bit?"

"Yes, please."

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