Chapter Thirty One

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"Hey Pansy, could you braid my hair after my bath?" Tracey called from the bathroom.

"Of course," Pansy called back. Braiding wet hair wasn't that hard, at least after a thorough brushing. She was sitting on her bed, drinking a glass of water, and Pinka was reading a book to her. Tracey wasn't the most comfortable having an elf live in the room, but Pansy managed to convince her that it was a good thing, so Pinka was allowed to stay with Pansy. It was a good thing too, because Pinka had a fear of crowds, so working in the busy Hogwarts kitchens wouldn't be good for her.

Snape, as Pansy had noticed, seemed to hate House Elves. He had eyed Pinka with the most disgusted look ever when he saw her with Pansy. Maybe it was just that he didn't like them when they were free. Of course, then the question would be how he knew that Pinka was free, as Pansy hadn't exactly told anyone that yet. She had brushed off any questions about the elf and managed to get her friends to change the subject any time she was brought up. Pansy supposed she had to tell them at some point. Just... not yet.

Tracey came out of the bathroom and sat down on the ottoman like usual for Pansy to braid her hair. With a careful glance at Pansy, Pinka kept reading while Pansy did her friend's hair. Tracey was apparently listening, because she asked what was going on before she came in. Pansy quickly explained the plot of the book up until that point. A prince had fallen in love with his personal servant, who happened to be a sorcerer, and they had to figure out how to hide the secret of their relationship from the king, who would surely kill the servant. It was a, shall we say, interesting take on the tale of Prince Arthur, but Pansy liked it a lot. It seemed that Tracey did too.

That night, Pansy found herself wishing it was easier to escape the Common Room without notice. She didn't have to worry about being caught be any of the teachers, but she did have to worry about being caught by a Prefect. Prefects hadn't been alerted to her condition so if one of them caught her, they could take House Points and then Pansy would have to go to Snape to get them back, which she really did not want to do. Snape would surely give them back, seeing as though he's incredibly biased, but he would also surely scold her and then take points from whatever Prefect caught her and there would be this whole mess that Pansy didn't want to get involved in.

It was hardest to escape from Tracey, because she either had to wait until the girl was asleep, or make up some excuse about homework or something, and Tracey was definitely starting to get suspicious. Pansy was pretty sure that Pinka's presence was making that worse. No one else got to bring a personal elf from home. It was strictly against the rules. Pansy was actually rather confused as to why none of the teachers had confronted her about it yet. Perhaps Dumbledore made them aware of her situation and why she had Pinka with her. She hadn't wanted to tell him, but she knew she needed to tell someone and while Snape was the more obvious option, he was also the most likely to insult her for not being able to handle herself. Perhaps that was why he always scowled at Pinka: he knew what she meant. That would make sense.

pansonia. you took too long.

Sorry. It's getting harder to get away from Tracey.

then tell her.

Why do you want me to tell everyone all of a sudden?

not everyone, pansy. just the important ones. you trust tracey, do you not?

Of course. We're practically sisters at this point.

and you had no trouble telling Hermione, who you most certainly do not trust.

That's different.

how so?

I had to tell her. She's going to die because of me; the least I could do is give her a heads up.

still. i do think you should tell tracey.

I can't. I...

Pansy found herself in front of the lake. She could see Rainey just below the surface.

are you coming?

Pansy turned and ran.

She ran as fast as she could, ignoring Rainey's screams to come back. She couldn't fo this anymore. She needed... well, she didn't know what she needed, but her feet seemed to know where to take her, so she followed them.


Pansy kept running, despite the burning in both her lungs and legs. She had never run the much in her life.

do not go in that door!

Pansy didn't listen and yanked the door to the Room of Requirement open. At once, Rainey's voice vanished from her head and Pansy flung herself down into the pile of cushions the room had provided. She began sobbing. She didn't know what had come over her. She'd done it so many times before. Why couldn't she do it this time?


Pansy screeched at the sound of a voice and hid her face beneath the cushions. She knew that voice; how could she not? She just didn't want the owner of that voice to see her like this. It would be humiliating.

"Pansy, it's just me."

"That's the problem. Go away."

"I can't."

A hand rested on Pansy's back and she flinched but ended up relaxing into the touch.

"I was talking to Dumbledore. He says that a room was constructed over the break for you. It has a koi pond for you to sleep in, and a bed for your mate."

"I have to share a room?" Pansy exclaimed. "When was that decided?"

Pansy could feel the shrug. "Dumbledore thinks that it would be best."

"But what about Tracey?" Pansy said pathetically. "Who would be her roommate? Who will do her hair every morning?"

"Millicent would be her roommate, since she and hers got into a huge fight and she now sleeps in the common room. You could do her hair at breakfast."

"But I have a room in the lake..."

"I don't know, Pansy. All I know is that I was ordered to bring you to Dumbledore's office. Are you coming, or not?"

Pansy shook her head and buried herself deeper in the cushions. "I can't I just can't."

The hand began to rub soft circles on Pansy's back. "Look, I'm not good at comforting people. I'm good at being straight forward. You have to come with me to Dumbledore right now. He's waiting for us."

Pansy looked up at Hermione with puffy eyes. "Fine. Lets go, then."

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