Chapter Twenty Three

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AN: I couldn't find names for Pansy's parents on the internet so I made up my own. If they do have names let me know and I'll change them.

"Pansonia, get up!"

Pansy shot out of the tub and coughed on the water still in her lungs. "Mother? How did you get in here?"

"You really think I cannot enter my own daughter's rooms? Get up and get dressed; the Malfoys will be here soon."

Pansy shuddered as her mother left the room. That was awkward. Pansy hadn't thought she would need to wear a bathing suit in her own bathtub. Thankfully Abella had been more concerned about the coming guests than Pansy's nudity.

Pansy towelled off as Pinka drained the water.

"Thanks for doing this every night, Pinka," Pansy said quietly. "I know it must be annoying to check on me every hour."

Pinka shook her head. "It is no trouble at all, Young Mistress. Pinka knows this is important for the health of Young Mistress. Pinka has laid out Young Mistress' dress on Young Mistress' old bed."

"Thanks Pinka."

Pansy hurried into her bedroom and put the red silk with white fur trim dress on. Pinka charmed her hair dry and helped her zip up the back, then get her white knit tights on.

"Diamonds, Young Mistress?"


Pansy took the necklace from Pinka and clasped it around her neck. She put in her earrings and looked down to make sure her necklace was straight. She felt a weight on her head and looked into the mirror to see her mother's tiara on her head once more.

"Mistress Abella requested it," Pinka told her. "Young Mistress suits it well."

Pansy slipped on her sparkly red shoes and hurried downstairs.

"Look at how pretty my Pansonia is," Pansy's father praised.

"Thank you, Father."

"Do you have your gift for the new baby ready?" Fernand asked.

"Yes Father," Pansy responded. "It's under the tree."

"Good. Your mother is waiting by the door. I suggest you wait with her. I will join you in a minute."

Pansy hurried to the main entrance hall and slowed her pace as she approached her mother.

"I trust you will behave yourself this year, Pansonia," the woman said without looking at her.

"Yes Mother."

"I mean it. Do not mention Draco even once."

"I won't, Mother," Pansy promised.

A knock sounded and Pansy's father hurried into the entrance hall. Fernand opened the door with a pleasant smile on his face. "Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, how nice to see you again! And Miss Murk, nice to finally meet you."

Mr. Malfoy entered the hall with a not-so-pleasant smile. "Mr. Parkinson, a delight as always. And Mrs. Parkinson, I hope you're doing well."

Lucius kissed Abella's hand and she nodded to him. "I am doing very well, thank you."

"Miss Parkinson," he greeted, shaking Pansy's hand. "Studying hard in school, I hope?"

"Yes sir."

Narcissa and Ismelda entered after them, each nodding to the three members of the Parkinson family as they passed. House Elves appeared to take their coats.

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