Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Pans, you're practically as pale as Draco. Are you sure you're alright?"

Pansy slumped in the armchair she was sitting in. "No."

"Then what's wrong?" Tracey asked.

Pansy sighed. "You have to promise not to tell Millie, alright? I don't think she'd be too thrilled with me."

Tracey frowned deeper. "Is it about Hermione?"


Tracey made a face of realization and nodded. "Okay, I won't tell her. What happened?"

Pansy sighed and ran her hand through her hair. It had become a nervous habit lately and her hair was almost always slightly out of place these days. She really needed to stop doing that, but at least it was better than her old habit of biting her hand.


"Sorry," Pansy said. "Just trying to figure out how to say it. You know how sometimes in dreams you realize you're dreaming and you can control it?"


"I had one of those a few weeks ago," Pansy explained. "I think in the dream I was around fifteen. It was Hermione and I walking with Luna and Ginny, the two girls who are coming next year. Well, once I realized I was just dreaming, I decided to..." Pansy trailed off. "I decided to kiss her," she whispered.

Tracey's eyes widened. "What was it like?"

"I don't know," Pansy admitted. "I woke up right as it happened. But when I woke up I was holding her hand in real life. I actually threw up."

"But you guys have held hands before and you were fine," Tracey said. "What was different this time?"

"I don't know," Pansy said tiredly. "But I've been scared that it'll happen again so I've been sleeping on the far side of the pond. It's really been affecting our health, but we won't die from this. I already asked Rainey that."

"And what does Rainey have to say about all this?"

"She's mad at me. She says that I need to get over with and stop shutting Hermione out. I just don't know, though. I'm kind of scared to. I think it was more nerves than anything else that made me throw up, but I can't be sure."

Tracey moved to sit on the arm of Pansy's chair. "I think you should talk to her and ask her how she feels about this whole thing. You might be scared to do something that she doesn't want. You are a gentlewoman, afterall."

Pansy smiled a little. "I do have to be."

"Any word from your father?"

"No. It almost makes me more nervous."

"I'm sure you'll be okay either way," Tracey assured her.

"Oh, I know I will be," Pansy said. "How is rooming with Millie going for you? I heard she and Bridget got in another fight."

"It's fine," Tracey said. "It's much different than you, but it's not unpleasant."

"What's not unpleasant?" Millicent asked, coming over to join them.

"You," Tracey said. "I was telling Pansy how rooming with you has been."

"Oh. Well I would hope it wasn't unpleasant. Do I ever keep you up at night with the lantern?"

"Nah, I've gotten used to it." At Pansy's confused look, Tracey went on. "Oh, she stays up late with her sketchbook sometimes."

"Oh. Any good drawings lately?"

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