Chapter Eleven

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AN: I'm on summer break! I'm hopefully going to be updating a lot more now. So tell me, what should happen during Draco's first Quidditch match? He obviously won't be nearly killed because he isn't Harry, so what should happen? I have a few ideas, but I want to hear your suggestions!

Pansy frowned in thought as she walked back over to the Slytherin table. Draco had seemed... nervous. Did that mean something? Did he think she was going to start hating him? I mean, sure, she teased him in the hallway that one time, but it's not like she actually did anything. Was he upset because she made Granger cry that one time? That would be dumb. Granger totally deserved it for making fun of her. It wasn't Pansy's fault that Granger could give it but not take it. Stupid mudblood.

"Pansy? You okay?"

Pansy nodded at Millicent and sat back down in her seat. "I'm fine."

"I asked my mother to send me pictures of our dogs, if you want to see them when the post comes in."

"Yes!" Pansy squealed, temporarily forgetting about Draco.

Millicent rolled her eyes. "I don't understand just how the mention of anything even remotely cute makes you squeal so loudly. I have never once felt the urge to squeal. I don't even think my voice could get that high."

Pansy scoffed. "It definitely could, and you have definitely squealed before."


Pansy leaned in. "Come on, what do you find cute?"

Millicent groaned. "I like puppies and babies too, but they don't make me squeal."

"What about kittens? Are you more of a cat person?"

Millicent chuckled. "While I am more of a cat girl, I still have never once squealed at a kitten."

Pansy rolled her eyes. "I'm going to find a way to make you squeal, Millie."

"Do you have any idea how wrong that just sounded?" Blaise exclaimed.

"I'm eleven, Bookend, where exactly did your mind go, you pervert?" Pansy stuck her tongue out and Blaise shook his head at her.

"The same place yours went, Pans," Blaise reminded her.

"That's different."


"I'm a girl."


Pansy scoffed. "There is no 'and' Blaise. I'm a girl so it's different."

Millicent cocked her head in confusion. "What are you two talking about?"

Pansy and Blaise shared a look. "Nothing. At all. Nope."

Millicent smirked and chuckled a bit. "Your faces are hilarious right now. Don't worry, I'm not that innocent. I walked in on my mother once."

Pansy screeched and turned red. "Millie! Don't say that at the table!"

"Were you guys not just - oh forget it." Millicent frowned and focused on her food, ignoring the think envelope dropped in front of her.

"Millie, don't be like this, I want to see your dogs!" Pansy urged.

Millicent shoved the envelope towards her and stalked off.

"What did I do?" Pansy asked sadly.

Blaise shook his head and looked down. "I don't know."

Pansy sighed and pushed her plate to the side to hide her head in her arms. "I always mess things up with girls. Maybe I should just only be friends with boys."

Blaise patted her back. "I'm sure that once you get used to it you'll get better. You haven't had many female friends."

Pansy shrugged his hand off. "You aren't even upset, Blaise, we all know you don't like her."

"It isn't her," Blaise argued, "It's just her breathing. And chewing. And - "

"Face it Bookend, you just hate her, simple as that."

Blaise sighed. "I don't though. I don't want to hate her either. I don't understand why only some people bother me."

Pansy turned her head to look at him. "Who else?"

Blaise thought back. "A lot of my mother's boyfriends have bothered me. Snape bothers me really badly, and Quirrell's stuttering drives me crazy. I hope they find a reason to fire him."

Pansy winced in agreement. "I'm with you on that one. I still can't believe that Dumbledore ever hired that guy. He's not even a good teacher. He also desperately needs to lose that turban. Why does he even wear that ugly thing?"

Blaise shook his head and groaned. "Not a clue."


Pansy pushed back her breakfast and stood to leave without saying anything else. Blaise called after her, but Pansy didn't turn back. She walked almost as though floating, her feet barely seeming to hit the floor. Thoughts had left her mind. There was only what the voice was telling her to do. Right now, it was telling her to get outside and to the Black Lake before she exploded.

"Pansy! What are you doing? We have class!"

"It normally only speaks at night," Pansy responded, voice soft and melodic. "But I do whatever it tells me."


Pansy could hear Blaise chasing after her. She could hear his footsteps in the grass. He didn't seem to be getting any closer no matter how fast he ran. In fact, he seemed to be getting farther away.

ignore him.

Pansy walked on.


Pansy jolted and fell to the ground.

"Ow, Blaise, what the hell?"

Blaise fell to his knees next to her and gasped for breath. "What just happened?" he choked out around gasps.

Pansy stood and brushed herself off. "What do you mean? I should be asking you that. How did we get out here?"

Blaise stared up at her in worry. "You don't remember?"

All anger drained from Pansy's face and her arms fell to her sides. "I don't remember what?"

Blaise grabbed her wrist and took off running again.

"Blaise! Where are you taking me?!" Pansy demanded.

"The Hospital Wing. I think you might be possessed."

Pansy yanked herself away and tumbled to the ground.

"I am not possessed!" She screeched.

Blaise hauled her up and kept running. "You just said it only talks to you at night, and you were doing what it told you, and now you say you can't remember any of it. Sounds like a possession to me."

Pansy huffed and voiced her doubts about purebloods being susceptible to possessions, but Blaise was having none of it. He dragged her all the way to the Hospital Wing and shoved her towards Madame Pomfrey.

"She's possessed!" Blaise pointed to Pansy and Madame Pomfrey turned her attention to the two Slytherins.

"I am not!" Pansy shouted.

"Children, calm down please. What makes you say that Miss Parkinson is possessed, Mister Zabini?"

Blaise hurriedly explained exactly what he saw while Pansy was out of it. Pansy scowled through the whole thing. Why couldn't she remember?

The next thing Pansy knew, she was on a bed and Madame Pomfrey was running tests on her.

this is ridiculous. i am not possessing you.

Pansy yelped and Madame Pomfrey paused.

"Did I hurt you?"

Pansy shook herself out and tried to relax.

pansy, i'm you, stop freaking out.

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