Chapter Forty Three

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Pansy couldn't believe her ears. The crazy Gryffindors had actually done it: they had stopped the Dark Lord from getting the Philosopher's Stone, and they nearly died doing it.

"Gryffindors!" she exclaimed.

"You can say that again," Tracey said. "I heard Harry is in a coma. They don't know when he'll wake up."

"No wonder Hermione was so worried last night," Pansy remarked. "I didn't realize it was that dangerous."

"I still can't believe it was Professor Quirrell the whole time!" Millicent said. "He died, apparently. Serves him right."

"Yeesh," Tracey said. "I agree with you, though."

"Pans, where's Hermione?" Millicent asked.

"She's in the Hospital Wing with Harry, just like Draco and Ron. They're all scared he'll never wake up. I'm sure he will, though."

As time passed, it seemed less and less likely that Harry would wake up. Pansy tried to stay positive for Hermione and Draco, but even though life continued on as normal, and Draco actually won Gryffindor the Quidditch Cup, which the captain absolutely lost his shit over, there was a feeling of dread creeping through the whole school. The savior of the wizarding world seemed to have been defeated, and they all knew that the Dark Lord wasn't gone for good.

Finally, on the fourth day, while Pansy and Hermione were reading together in their rooms, there was a knock on their portrait.

"Has to be one of the teachers," Hermione said in confusion. "Did you do anything?"


Hermione stood and opened the portrait. "Professor Dumbledore!"

"Miss Granger, Miss Parkinson. I have just told Mister Black and Mister Weasley, and I figured you would want to know as well. Harry is awake and requesting to see you."

Hermione screeched and covered her mouth. "Sorry."

Dumbledore smiled kindly at her. "Go on," he said, stepping back.

Hermione dashed out of their rooms and Pansy waved awkwardly to Dumbledore. He looked around the room. "Very purple."

"Lavender. It's both of our favorite colors," Pansy said.

"I see. Well, are you going?"

Pansy shrugged. "I'm not his friend."

Dumbledore nodded. "I hope that changes in the future. Enjoy your reading, then."

The portrait swung shut and Pansy was left sitting alone with her book. Well, now was as good a time as any to prepare for the End of Year Ball. What should she wear this time?

Pansy put her book back on the shelf and placed Hermione's back where it had come from too. They had slipped into what could almost be called a married life recently, putting away each others things and casually doing things for the other. Pansy had started filling the bath for Hermione after she got out, and Hermione had started laying out both of their clothes while Pansy took her bath in the morning. They didn't wait for each other as Pansy was a much earlier riser than Hermione and they were going to separate tables anyway, but still. It was nice.

Now though, Pansy needed to decide which of the three dresses she hadn't worn yet was going to be the one she wore to this ball. She also had to decide on jewelry, and makeup, and shoes, and it was this whole endeavor that she knew Hermione wouldn't want to be a part of. Hermione really didn't get fashion, and she was pretty weirded out by the fact that Pansy wore makeup at her age. She just liked it, was all. It's not like she was trying to impress anybody. If anything, she was impressing herself.

The three options were a gold dress, a black dress, and a red one that was a different style than the one she had worn to the first ball. The black dress Pansy could wear to her mother's funeral, so she decided against that one, which left the gold and the red. She was leaning towards the red to book end the year in a way, so she took it out of the closet and tried it on. It was a bit tight around the chest, but Pinka could easily fix that. The dress was fitted on top with a thin strap around her neck to hold it up. It flowed out from the waist and came to Pansy's mid thigh. This ball was more casual than the others, as it was more of a party, so the dresses didn't have to be very long. Pansy nodded at herself in the full length mirror and turned to her jewelry box. She wanted to wear tanzanite - her birthstone - this time so she could wear her lucky ring, so she pulled out the dangles that matched it and stuck them in her ears. Those looked nice. She took out the bracelet too and slipped it on. She decided against the necklace because of the neck strap, so the next task was shoes. She had the golden pair of flats that she had worn to the first ball, but she was thinking she would go with a small bit of a heel this time. She riffled through her shoes and finally found the pair she was thinking of. They were golden wedges that only raised her up about an inch, but it was enough to make Pansy feel taller and more powerful. She put them on and looked over herself. Yes, those looked good. Now for makeup.

Pansy wandered into the bathroom and took out her makeup bag. While she was wiping off her current makeup, she frowned at her hair. It had gotten longer. She would have to actually do something with it, or get Pinka to cut it. Probably the second option would be better. It was almost summer; she didn't want long hair.


"Yes? Oh, Pansy is looking so beautiful!"

Pansy smiled. "Thank you. Will you cut my hair? My bangs too. It's all gotten too long."

"Of course," Pinka said. She snapped her fingers and Pansy's hair shortened to exactly where she wanted it.

"Thanks, Pinka. Now, should I go glam or natural on the makeup?"

Pinka examined the outfit. "Dark eyes, light lips?"

Pansy grinned. "You're a genius, Pinka; that's exactly what I was thinking."

She took out her dark eye shadow palette and did a nice smokey eye. She decided on winged eyeliner and her most voluminous mascara, then a glossy lip to finish.

"Pansy will be being the most beautiful girl at the ball!" Pinka said.

"Thank you, Pinka. Now I have to figure out who to go with. Blaise still won't talk to me."

Pinka drooped. "Pansy can't be taking Hermione because of rules, so Pinka has no suggestions."

Pansy shrugged. "Well, now I've got to take all of this off before I get something on the dress," she said.

"No, leave it on, let Hermione see when she is coming back!"

Pansy frowned. "I don't know, Pinka. Won't she see it the day of the ball?"

"Not if Pansy gets ready with Tracey and Millicent."

"I suppose. Alright, I'll wait. Can you charm the top a bit looser though? I can't breathe."

Pinka snapped again and the dress fit Pansy perfectly. She stepped out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, where she noticed a very in awe Hermione. That hadn't taken very long. Or had Pansy taken longer than she thought?

"You're back," Pansy commented.

"You're pretty," Hermione said. "I mean, no, yes, I - what's with the getup?"

"I was preparing for the End of Year Ball. It's tomorrow and I still hadn't figured out what I was going to wear."

"I see. Well, you look great."

"Thank you," Pansy said, flashing Hermione a brilliant smile. Hermione looked as though she needed to sit down.

"How'd it go with Harry?"

Hermione shook herself out. "He saw You-Know-Who."

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