Chapter 37

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A/N: Please, Please, Please tell me which cover you like best, either the one from the last chapter or the one from this chapter. Comment or write on my message board which one you like so it becomes the cover of this book!

"You!" He screams,

"Peeta, Peeta! Please calm down. Control it!" I say quivering towards the end.

By me speaking sparked something within him and for a split second I swear I saw his normal blue eyes flicker with that hope that urges me to go on. His eyes are as black as ashes and his feature looks as if he is a mutated creature. Nose scrunched up, eyes wide full of anger, mouth stuck in a tight scowl and lets not forget that his hands are balled and ready to strike at any second.

"You don't get to talk, you mutt!" He spits venomously circling me like a lion as it circles its prey.

"You don't have any right to call me that, especially after what you have put me through!" I yell confidently at the only constant in my life.

That must of sent him flying off the handle, releasing the inner beast that I so desperately tried to hide and contain. One things sure, I couldn't contain even my own anger and I know I'm going to pay the price. His once balled fists reached out to me where he palm-pushed me to the ground. I groan in pain knowing I put too much pressure on my aching foot.

"Oh look! The mockingjay has been shot down!" He teases sarcastically.

I hear a surprised gasp from down stairs followed by some very loud clomping of shoes hitting against the wooden floor. After ten seconds Johanna and Annie are in the doorway with a look of pure shock and fear, for my life. Peeta aims for another blow but stops when he takes in the two figures standing at my door.

"Well, well I have a show for you two don't I?" He states evilly.

I hold up my hand motioning for them to not enter the room and try to save me. I am strong and it's not going to be a repeat of the last time he had an attack. I will not let his words get to me. Instead, I will use my words against him. I will use every single truthful, heartbreaking and world shattering word to finally break the monster that the old Capitol had created. Nothing can stop me now as Johanna and Annie cautiously take a few steps back and into the corridor with a look of horror etched into their faces.

"I guess the audience had better things to do then?" He teases once more with a look of false pity on his face.

"Yeah I'm sure they wouldn't like to see a man lose to me!' I yell ferociously.

"And what makes you think that?" He asks.

"You'll see, I thought you used to love me. What happened?" I say backing away slightly crossing my arms protectively over my chest. His eyes flicker to that blue for a moment the back to that black. My plan is working there is no turning back now.

"You left you mutt, how could I ever love someone like you anyway? You are a monster who killed almost everyone!" He screams inching closer and closer towards me. I don't like the words he's throwing at me so I stand my ground ready to hit him back twice as hard.

"Well news flash! You were going you were going to break up with me so I had no choice!" I squeak my voice faltering towards the end, can't bear look at him right now so I turn my back. "I couldn't bear to be there when that would happen." I say my voice cracking readying myself for the tears to pour out, I drop to the floor on my knees, back away from him crying my eyes out."

"Mutt!" He yells.

"Shut up!" I yell forcefully but he kicks me in the back and tackles me to the ground. I can't breathe I've been winded. "S...stop!" I stutter.

"Mutts don't have feelings!" He whispers in my ear. I can't bear it anymore.

"If I'm a mutt then why do I still love you!" I yell but quickly cover my mouth. He gets off me and pins my arms to the floor, I am lying on my stomach so I'm basically talking to the floor.

"I love you and this whole time and you can't even see it! Get back to normal, actually don't because I will seem pathetic to you and I'd much rather be dead!"

I sputter. Peeta gets up off me and smashes my window, snatching up a sharp angular looking piece of glass in his hands ready to strike. I dig my face deeper into the light wooden flooring. I hope it comes fast so I don't have to feel that much pain before I die. I keep talking though which I think doesn't help the situation.

"Hurry up then!" I say impatiently, "Go ahead and do it already, I'm already dead enough as it is, just get it over with. Nothing is a painful as this, watching the love of your life fall for another girl and propose to her in front me. I ran away once again because that's what I'm good at. I need to stay away from you or better yet be killed because I can't live like this anymore." I cry.

"Katniss you m....."

"Yes I know I'm a mutt you've said it about a thousand times now! I get it I'm a monster but I'm also the person who saved hundred of thousands of other children going and dying in those games. Call me a monster but I did it with a purpose!" I yell fed up.

"I know you did." He says straight after I do.

"What?" I question knowing full well he was having an attack just moments before.

"Even though I can't control what I say or my actions I can still hear what you say." He says softy walking towards me.

"Yeah, and?" I say crossing my arms.

"You said you still love me." He says pointedly.

"So what if I do?" I question stubbornly.

"I love you too you know."

The takes the final step towards me whilst saying what he said and I stand frozen in shock. He still loves me? Did I hear right? My mouth can't even begin to form words. When an uncomfortable amount of time passes and I don't speak he leans in and seals his declaration with a kiss.

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