Chapter 33

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Katniss' POV

After she said those two little words it reduced me to tears. It took all the little amount of strength I had not to cry and I stay strong but once I heard her it's like it just all washed away making me feel helpless. Like a child lost in a crowded room with nobody it knows. I crumple down to the ground into the human ball of Katniss and rock myself back and forth.

Within a split second Annie and Johanna have both crouched down beside me trying to clam my erotic state of insanity. He did this, he took all the love I had left to give and tossed it away to the sea of mutts just so he could give his love to someone else who doesn't have a history as big as ours. The though he could play hero when he sent Marcy out to look for me only for her to say that he abandoned her to look for me.

That action alone broke me, I was just too stubborn to notice it. It's a gift and a curse at the very same time. It's hard to believe that three years ago we were happy, together and most importantly that he said 'I love you' to me everyday like it was true. If I had known what was install for the future back then I would of ran away a long time ago. I needed to avoid that. I really needed to but instead I walked straight into the line of fire and guess what? I got burned.

Great! I've finally lived up to my famous name in which I am known for, The Girl On Fire. I'm getting angrier and angrier by the second as my self pity and sadness diminishes to just a tiny speck. I see more red in my eyes and I know I've gone crazy. I just can't help it I'm angry know. How dare he toy with my emotions like that when he knew of my troubled past. I never did that to him even though he was hijacked.

Johanna rubs my back gently as Annie moves the loose locks of brown out of my face and makes an effort to rub the tears away. Why are there tears? Angry tears? Yes they are. I'm sick and tired of playing his sick games and I've had enough of it. I walk right into his ball game whenever he sets a trap, I take it. I've had enough. I've had enough, I've had enough. Annie. Screaming something but I'm too zoned out to hear it.

Johanna, screaming but all I can hear is my devilish thoughts and emotions. I can't take it anymore. He needs to be taught a lesson but if I got there I'll be like putty in his hands again I won't be able to resist him, plus I promised Sae. Her new last wish, I need to keep it. Wether I like it or not. Johanna and Annie's yelling becomes more clear now as I calm down the slightest bit.

"Katniss please listen to me come back!" Annie pleads.

"Yes Annie?" I ask in a haze.

"Thank god you're back, you scared me to death!" She cries as she starts tearing up.

"Sorry I, I can't control it, hi Johanna." I say.

"Hey brainless, what's going on? Care to explain everything to me?"

She says as she leads me over to the veranda table filled to the brim with all sorts of district four treats and specialties. My personal favourite is the salt covered pretzels. I take and seat in one of the wooden fabric padded chair and prepared myself for the long speech ahead. I take a deep breath as to calm myself further before I speak.

"I went to district twelve as you both know. Johanna you know I've been living here so you know I was just visiting? Once I arrived I went to Haymitch's and he was home, not drinking which was unusual but he told me he stopped for Peeta because he was a wreck when I had left. I don't understand this because I overheard him telling Haymitch he was going to leave me anyway. So basically Haymitch gave me a big lecture and I stormed out. The next day I was walking through town where I saw Sae's granddaughter, she was raising money for cancer sufferers and told me Sae was one of them who's is terminal. I raced over there only to find that Sae's has only weeks to live. Long story short Sae told me her lags dying wish was for me and Peeta to be together." I stop to great and give them a moment to process the information in which I had just laid out on the table.

"I fell asleep at her house but as soon as I woke up I went straight to the bakery. He saw me and asked why I had left and as I began to tell him his supposed girlfriend showed up. Oh did I mention that he had a girlfriend? We anyways back to the story, she began to ask who I was and I introduced myself but quickly left in a hurry. I went to my old house had a shower to clear my thoughts and left to have a afternoon walk around the district. I stopped by a fountain and I saw a couple of people walk towards the fountain. The guy dropped down to one knee a popped the question, I was Peeta and now he's getting married to her. I went to Sae's to call you Annie then went straight to the station. She showed up and told me how sorry she was but she was about to say something important when the doors closed. I don't know what she was going to say but I don't think I could bear it anyways!" I cry and sob my torn heart out.

"Sweetie, this shouldn't of happened to you at all. It's his fault he hasn't realized what such an amazing girl you are. It's his fault his incapable to love a woman as Strong and as iconic as you. He should be ashamed of himself. I've never been so disappointed with someone in my entire life!" Annie tries to comfort me but gets a bit angry towards the end.

"The red heads right, it's bread boys damn fault he let you go. I think it's safe to say that you love him more than anything but I think you should let him go. Then he'll have a chance to really miss the one thing he shouldn't of let go." Johanna says soothingly.

"Have you gone soft on me Johanna?" I tease playfully.

"Never in your wildest dreams Brainless!" She retorts.

"Thanks, the both of you. I really don't know what I could of done without you!" I thank them.

"No worries sweetie."

"Yeah same to you Brainless. Listen I've got to go somewhere I only came here for a short notice visit. Some I'm going to go now."

"Really?" I whine.

"Yeah I'm sorry Brainless." She apologizes.

"Okay bye Jo!" I say while giving her a hug.

"Bye Johanna what a pleasant surprise that was!" Annie exlcalims.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"To chop some wood!" She smirks while leaving.

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