Chapter 10

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“Ah, you were on the phone so long, I was beginning to worry.”

“That was just Dr. Mosco informing me of my pregnancy test on Thursday.” As Sage spoke, a deep pain rose in her stomach, but drifted away.

“Oh, well I hope everything goes smoothly.”

“Me too.” The pain returned and suddenly she felt the urge to run to the bathroom. She hovered over her toilet and retched. Sage clung to the towel rack as she threw up over and over again. After wiping her mouth and brushing her teeth she went back into the living room. 

“Sorry Abbay, I don’t feel so well. I’m going to lie down but you’re more than welcome to stay here and watch television.” She went upstairs and climbed into bed. She wasn’t lying down five minutes before she was in the bathroom throwing up again. No, it’s too early for symptoms. It’s probably the coffee, she convinced herself. But at around midnight, when she had thrown up seven times, she decided to call Gakobe. 

“Hello?” His voice was muffled. 

“Hey Gakobe, it’s Sage.”

“Bloody hell Sage, why are you calling me?”

“I’ve been throwing up a lot, I thought maybe the symptoms were coming early, so I called you.”

“I meant for you to call me at a reasonable hour.”

“Can I come over?”

“I guess. 54 Westlee Avenue.”

“I’ll be there in about ten minutes.”

“Mm hmm,” was all he said before he hung up. She took her time getting to her car. Westlee Avenue was very close to her street, Midfire Lane. She arrived at a little red-brick house with a yellow roof. How cute! she thought to herself as she got out of the car. Gakobe was already waiting at the door when she walked up. It had started to rain, so they hurried back inside. She noticed his book collection by the door. Shakespeare, lots of Shakespeare. But she also saw a few modern books. There was a little bedroom to the right and the living room was also very tiny. 

“Is it ok?” He asked.

“It’s great.”

“I know it’s kind of small, but I like it.”

“No, I do too. It’s nice.”

“I’ll go make some coffee?”

“Yes, that’d be wonderful, thanks.” He disappeared into a small corner of the house and she sat down on his sofa, feeling awkward. She didn’t exactly know what they were, but she was determined to find out. Sage was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice Gakobe until he placed a coffee mug in front of her, making her jump.

“Sorry, I guess I kind of went into space there for a minute!”

“It’s fine. Sorry, I don’t mean to bore you.”

“No, it’s not you. I’m just thinking.”



He looked down for a minute but then looked into her eyes. He sat down beside her and touched her chin, pulling her towards him. He touched his lips to hers, and licked her bottom lip asking for entry. She pulled away and laughed lightly. 

“We can’t just randomly kiss and have sex all the time. I need to know what this is.”

“I don’t know what this is.”

“Well I’m looking for a relationship not a ‘Friends With Benefits’ partnership.”

“I know that.”

“Do you?”

“Yes, I know that I like you.”

“But you don’t know if you want to be with me?”

“No, I do want to.”

“So why can’t you?”

“Just because.”

“Are you with someone else?”

“No, that’s not it either!”

“You’re scared?”

He said nothing. “Oh my god. You really are scared. Why? Why would you be scared of a relationship?”

“Because they never end well for me.”

“This one could.”

“We don’t know that.” 

Sage moved closer to him and whispered in his ear, “You’ll never know anything, if you never try.” He looked up at her and kissed her gently. 

“Okay,” was all he said, but it was enough for her. She had a feeling that she would be with Gakobe for a very long time, and she secretly prayed that the baby would be his. 

They fell asleep on the couch and were peaceful for a few hours before Sage woke up and immediately had to throw up. She rushed to the bathroom and spent the rest of the night retching into the toilet. 

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