Chapter 9

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She pulled up to her house and walked rapidly up to her door, hoping she wouldn’t see Abbay or Milton. Luckily, she didn’t. However, she could already smell coffee being made in her kitchen, and looked up to see Abbay next to her coffee maker. 

“Abbay! How did you get in here?”

“You left the front door open yesterday. I closed it for you, but you never came home.”

“Yeah, I spent the night with a friend.”

“Well, I knew you would come back sometime, so I decided to come in and make your coffee for you.”

“Oh, um, thank you, is um Milton here as well?”

“Yeah, he’s in the living room flipping through the t.v. channels.”

“Oh, great. So, I can see you’ve made yourself comfortable,” Sage commented as she saw Abbay’s other pots and pans along with a flowery suitcase. “May I ask what these are doing in my home?”

“Oh! Our house is currently being fumigated. We were going to ask you yesterday.”

“Ask me what?”

“If we could stay here for a few days.”

“Oh, wow! Um, okay, uh, are you sure you wouldn’t rather be in a hotel?”

“Yes, we’re sure! We love our neighbors, and especially you after what you’re doing for us.”

“Right, okay. Well, I’m going to go upstairs for a moment. I’ll be back.” She rushed upstairs and sat down for a minute. Oh my god. They’re staying here. Here! With me, oh my god! What if it’s not even their baby! Her thoughts were screaming.

“Sage! Are you coming back down?” 

“Yeah, I’ll be right down!” Sage went downstairs and saw Abbay on the sofa and coffee mugs on the coffee table.

“I thought we could get to know each other more.” Abbay smiled warmly at Sage.

“Sure, that’d be great.” Sage noticed Milton was no longer in the room. “Uh, where did Milton go? I don’t believe I showed him the guest room-”

“He found it on his own, he’s taking a little nap.”

“Oh, um, so let’s get to know each other.”

“Yes, Sage! How old are you dear?”

“I’m 20 this May. And you and your husband are?”

“Milton is 30 and I am 26. You are very young, are you sure you’re ready to carry?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. I’ll be fine.”

“Well that’s good because I was worried when Milton said you were a younger generation.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, why didn’t you just use and agency to find someone to carry your baby?”

“Agencies can be very expensive-”

“But you’re paying my doctor bills.”

“Oh honey, I saw your face when you came through the door this morning. You won’t be getting any bills.” Abbay said this with a wink and a smirk. “As long as you don’t have sex of course and blow the entire operation!” She laughed. 

“Of course not,” Sage’s voice was unsteady, but Abbay didn’t notice.

“Anyway, why are you on your own so early?”

“Um, I wanted to get away from big ole Texas as quickly as I could, so I thought I’d come to a small town with my parents. They didn’t want to leave Austin and I didn’t want to make them-” She was cut off by her phone and she looked down to see Gakobe’s name. “Would you excuse me for a moment?” Abbay nodded, so she got up and went into the hall.

“Hello Ms. Darling.”

“Gakobe. How are you?”

“Uh, great. And you?”


“Okay well your pregnancy test appointment is coming up this Thursday and I wanted to remind you that you don’t need to bring a test, we will conduct one there. If you start experiencing early symptoms, call me. Alright?”

“Yeah alright.”

“Okay, goodbye Sage.”

“Bye, Gakobe.”

She hung up and walked back into the living room where Abbay was waiting. 

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