Chapter 1

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For years, Milton Wilson had been bugging Sage Darling about carrying a baby for him and his wife, Abbay. And for years, Sage had refused them. She didn’t have the time to have a baby, whether it was for her or not. 

“Please Ms. Darling, we really need you,” Milton pleaded from across his green lawn. Sage who was busy gardening on her hands and knees, looked into his face, his desperation was obvious. His thick glasses were slipping ever so slightly off of his nose. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, like a favor to a friend. Sighing, she stood up and walked over to him. 

“Okay Mr. Wilson,” she gave in. 

“Oh thank you so much, Ms. Darling! You have no idea how much this will mean to us! We have been so incomplete without a real family. Oh, and please call me Milton.”

“And you please call me Sage.” Milton nodded and rushed back into his rust-colored home to tell his wife, Abbay. Their cries of joy could be heard from all sides of the neighborhood. Smiling a little from their excitement, Sage walked back towards her own house. What have I gotten myself into? She thought to herself as she took her freshly baked cookies out of the oven. It’ll be okay, it really will. She kept trying to convince herself. In all honesty, she had wanted a kid for a long time. This was her chance, even if the baby wouldn’t really even be hers. Trying to relax, she lay down on her large, fluffy couch and drifted to sleep. 

“SAGE!” She abruptly rose from the couch and looked out the window. Milton was standing there throwing rocks. “SAGE! WHERE’S OUR BABY?” He was screaming.

“What?” Sage asked confused. 

“Where is our baby?” He asked again, softer this time.

“I-I-I don’t k-know, Milton,” She stammered. 

“Wake up!” He yelled and Sage jolted awake. It was all a dream. She thought to herself. She looked around for a clock and noticed she had been asleep for four hours. It was now 8 o’clock. She trudged up the stairs and nearly fell into bed, not even bothering to pull the canopy closed.   

A/N: Tell me what you think please! ONly my second story on here!!!!

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