Chapter 8

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When Sage arose from the table, Gakobe was gone and she was wearing the paper slip again. She stood up and put her clothes from yesterday back on and looked into the hallway to see if anyone was coming. She slipped out of the room and headed for the mini kitchen, where Gakobe was making coffee. 

“Good morning,” she smiled at him. He barely looked at her when he whispered.

“Morning, Sage.”

“Why are you so stiff, doctor?”

“Ask yourself that question Ms. Darling!” He nearly shouted. Sage felt her eyes watering at the sound of his harshness. e

“I don’t understand!” she sputtered, “You seduced me you asshole! And we had sex, and now you can barely look at me? Was I bad?”


“No? What do you mean ‘No’?”

“We had unprotected sex! Damn it, Sage!” He pounded his fists on the table, “The baby you carry could be mine! It could be mine!”

“I don’t understand,” she whispered. 

“The baby that you could be having, might not have been created by Milton Wilson’s sperm. It could be my sperm! Now do you understand?”

“Yes, maybe. But I got his sperm first, so it will be his, end of story!”

“How could you be so naive? It doesn’t matter whose sperm you got first!”

“Oh, well I didn’t know! I’m 19! I’m not a 70 year old doctor like you!” she screamed and at first Gakobe’s face fell, but then he started to laugh. 

“I’m 24. Not 70!”

Sage suddenly began to blush, “I’m sorry, Dr. Mosco.”

“And please just call me Gakobe! We just had sex for crying out loud!”


“Okay what?”

“Okay, Gakobe.”

“Was that so hard?” He began to chuckle and Sage laughed out loud. He then cupped her face once more and pressed his lips to hers softly. He pulled away quickly when Heather walked in. 

“Oh, I’m so sorry! I really should’ve knocked first, um, okay, I’ll just be leaving.” She was blushing deeply. 

“No, no Heather it’s alright, I was just leaving,” Sage said hurriedly as she gathered up her things and started to leave. 

“Um, Sage, I’ll uh, call you. Okay?” 

“Yes, that’s fine.” Sage rushed out the door and over to her car. She drove home rather quickly, ignoring her unsure feelings about what Gakobe had told her. Could this baby really be his? What would I tell the Wilson’s? She didn’t want to have to think about that.

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