Chapter 6

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Sage looked at the clock; the time read 6:15. She rushed out the door and over to the Wilson’s. She could smell fresh lasagna through the door. 


Sage turned around and jumped when see saw Abbay behind her. 

“Hello Abbay” Sage smiled warmly. 

“Well come on in!” Abbay said while walking past Sage to open the door. 

Sage entered their home and saw a beautiful grand staircase. She went left and immediately found the kitchen, where Abbay now had on an apron and was stirring something in a pot. Opposite the kitchen was a little dining room with three plates set up. 

“Where’s Milton?” Sage asked.

“Oh, he’s finishing up a poker game with the guys upstairs.”

“Would you like me to go get him?”

“That’d be lovely, thanks dear!”

Sage walked up the stairs and heard voices and laughter coming from one of the rooms upstairs. There were six or seven men around a table. When Milton noticed Sage he put down his cards and walked over to her. 

“Hello, Sage. How are you?”

“I’m well, thanks. Um, dinner’s ready.”

“Alright. Guys, the game’s over.”

The guys started clearing out leaving Milton and Sage.

“So how was the operation?” Milton asked awkwardly.

“Fine, it went fine.”

“Uh, that’s good.”


“We uh-”

“We better go downstairs.”

“Yeah uh, let’s do that.” For a moment neither of them did anything when suddenly Sage felt Milton’s lips on hers. They were forceful and tasted like cigarettes. She raised her hands to his chest and pushed him away. For a moment she saw shock in his eyes, but the shock turned to guilt. 

“I’m uh, sorry about that.”

Sage was silent.

“Um, uh, I, uh, um, am really sorry.” He spoke again.

“We should go downstairs,” Sage whispered. 

“Yes,” Milton agreed and they started down the stairs. Milton let Sage go first, but there was still awkward tension between them.

“There you are! I was beginning to wonder if you two were coming down or not,” Abbay’s cheery voice rang throughout the entire house. 

“Sage was just helping me clean up the poker table, right Sage?” Milton looked at Sage with pleading eyes. She didn’t want this baby growing up in a divorced home, so she silently agreed to forget the kiss ever happened.

“Right, you guys sure are messy.” He thanked Sage with his eyes and sat down in his chair.

“Shall we say grace?” Abbay asked. Both Sage and Milton nodded and Abbay began, “Thank you for today, as today was the day Milton and I received a precious gift. A gift of life and joy given to us by you and Ms. Darling. We will always treasure this day and look upon it fondly. Amen”

“Amen” Milton and Sage chorused. 

After a few minutes of silence, Abbay spoke.

“How was Dr. Mosco?”

“He was great, really great. Super nice.”

“Well that’s nice. I’ve heard he can be a bit snarky when he wants to be.” 

“He did smirk quite a bit, but who wouldn’t? You know, in that situation.”

Milton and Abbay stared at Sage in response to her statement. The rest of the dinner was spent in silence, and when they were done it was around 10:00, and Sage abruptly stood.

“Thank you both, so much for dinner. It was lovely.”

“Of course, sweetie. It’s the least we could do. Have a good night.”

Sage went back to her house and dragged herself to bed. 

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