Chapter 3

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It was a thirty minute drive to the doctor. The main building was two stories and made out of white bricks. There were no flowers and no “Welcome!” sign. The place looked very dull. There were dark letters above the door that read “Dr. Mosco’s Private Practice”. It all looked very proficient. As Sage opened the glass door, a small bell sounded. A petite woman appeared behind the counter. Her name tag read “Heather”. 

“Hello, how can I help you today?” She asked and Sage noticed a slight english accent.       

“Erm, I have an appointment at 8:00 with Dr. Mosco,” Sage replied. 

“Okay, I’ll walk you back there.”

“Uh okay.” They walked in silence until they reached a room that was all white with only a wooden chair and a desk with a small laptop. Heather sat down on the laptop. 

“I’m just going to ask you a few questions to see how you qualify,” Heather spoke with a soft voice. Qualify? No one said anything about having to qualify! Heather noticed her panicked face because she said, “Don’t worry! By qualify, we just mean to see how you will be with your baby.”

“Oh, erm, the baby isn’t exactly for me.”

“Oh, then we will need the baby’s ‘parents’ to fill out this form.”

“Okay, can I still have the operation today?”

“No, I’m afraid not. We’ll also need to do a background check on the husband and wife, can you give me their names?” 

“Milton and Abbay Wilson,” Sage gave Heather the names and left the office feeling disappointed. She drove home quietly and walked over to the Wilson’s front door. When she rang the doorbell, she heard a series of “rings” but no one came to the door, so she turned around and began walking back home. 

“Wait! Sage! Hold on one second!” She heard Abbay’s voice through the door. After a few minutes, Abbay came through the doorway. “Hello, dear! Sorry about that, had a little bit of trouble with the dogs. How did the operation go?”

“It didn’t, they need you and Milton to fill out this form.”

“Oh, okay, sure, that’s no problem.”

“Great! So, can I get them from you tomorrow? I scheduled another appointment for 10:00.”

“Yes, that’s fine,” Abbay rushed back inside. Sage wandered back over to her house, but didn’t really feel like going back inside, so she decided to go for a walk. I’m really doing this! she thought. As she walked, she passed by a particularly pretty house. It was light yellow with blue windows and a red door. There were tons of flowers surrounding it. A large “For Sale” sign was stuck in the lawn next to the mailbox. Maybe one day, when I have a family, I can live in a house like that,” she sighed. Sage kept walking until she arrived home. It was getting late already, the sun was beginning to set. For some reason, she felt like going to bed early. Walking upstairs, she suddenly felt very nervous for her appointment in the morning. Sighing once more, Sage walked into her room and stripped down to her bra and underwear and crawled into bed, not letting herself worry about what the morning would bring. 

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