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"I shouldn't be this nervous," Ken complained.

~ "Dude you already met my parents."

"Yeah but that was before I messed up your face!"

~ "I mean your right, but you don't have to say it."

*"They're here." Yoriko put her phone in her back pocket. Yoriko opened the door as three men and a woman exited the cab.

"It's so nice to see you again Mr. and Mrs. Kuroiwa." Touka said giving each a small bow.

⛀ "What are you doing?" Mrs. Kuroiwa said. "Give me a hug." She embraced Touka in her arms. "How's the baby?"

"She's doing well."

⛀ "She? So it's a girl. Have you thought of any names?"

"Well, we have a few in mind," Touka hooked Kens arm above hers "but we haven't settled on anything."

⛂ "Congratulations you two," said Mr. Kuroiwa "For both your service to the city, and the child." He handed them a small gift.

⛀ "It's an American book called 'Love you Forever'. It was Yoriko's favorite book growing up"

"You're too kind." Ken smiled.

⛀ "It smells delicious," She said to Yoriko, making her way to the dining room table. "What did you guys make." She left Ken, Hide, and his dad's in the doorway.

Keneki bowed, his body nearly making a ninety degree angle.

"I'm so sorry for the burden I have been to your family. There are no words to describe how truly sorrowful I am by what I have--" Hide's parents fully embraced Kaneki.

"Sweetie there's no need to apologize." His Dad began.

"We already love you." His father finished

Kaneki hugged them harder, fighting tears.

⛀  "This coffee is delicious!"

⛂ "Are we just gonna stand here, or are we gonna eat?"

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