Can We Pretend to be Normal? (Part 2)

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"Urie, I understand why you would disagree, but I've been thinking long and hard about this decision, and all I want-- more then position, or honor, or duty-- it to give my daughter a good life."

"I can respect that."

"Who knows," Ken continued. "Maybe she will join the TSC too."

"Over my dead body." Touka growled.

"Maman's wife?"

"You can call me Touka."

"Are you going to work at RE once it opens again?"

"We all miss this delectable coffee of yours,"  Shuu Tsuikiyama said walking up to them with  Kazuichi Banjou at his side.

"Still as creepy as always." Touka complained. "Why did you even invite him Yoriko?"

"Now, Now Touka. No need to be that way."

"If you must know. Yoriko and I have already made a new menu for the grand reopening of RE."

"Yay!" Saiko cheered. "When will it be open?"

"We're hoping to open in April."

"Aww, that's too long."

"Come one," Takeomi said. "They probably want to catch up." Yoriko, Takomi, Urie, and Saiko went to the spread of deserts on the kitchen table-- leaving Tsuikyama, Banjou, Touka, and Kaneki.

"The menu's could say 'approved by the one-eyed king'." said Shuu. "That would probably give you guys more business. I know I'd come everyday."

"To bad you'll be busy rebuilding Tokyo with your father," Touka fained sadness.

"I will do anything to make time for my friends."

Touka leaned into ken and whispered "Can I punch him?"

"I wouldn't be so host--"

"You should stop now while it's just a warning." Ken suggested. "How are you Banjo?"

"I've been representing the United Front with Shuu. He's a bit... much at times--"

"Why do you all have to be so rude!" Shuu stormed away.

"But he really is doing everything he can to restore Tokyo. It's really cool to see history be made. And I am even more excited to see you two build you family." Banjo started to tear up. "I should go comfort Shuu."

Ken gave a small laugh. "Don't forget to visit us more Banjo. We've missed you."

Banjo nodded, but he only sobbed harder.

"This is going to be a long party." Touka complained, burning her face in her husbands shoulder.

"They mean well."

"I know," She stood straight. "You know they're on to something with the 'One-Eye King approved' thing."

"That would certainly get my business," said Kimi with Nishki at her side. "Are the new pills working, Touka?"

"Yes, thank you so much Kimi. I've had no trouble keeping food down."

"Tell me if anything changes okay? I'm already working on the next pill just in case."

"You're too kind Kimi."

"That's what I keep telling her," Nishki mumbled. Kimi elbowed him in the stomach and she continued to speak.

"The synthetic food is going to take a lot longer to make then I originally thought. In the lab we're able to make the meat but they all taste..."

"Like horse crap." Nishki said.

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