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The rising sun blinded her sleeping eyes. Touka slowly blinked awake, rolling on her side to hug her husband-- only to find the bed completely empty.

She made her way to the kitchen, the smell of coffee filling her more with each step. Kaneki placed two brown sugar cubes into both of the steaming mugs in front of him.

"I'd thought you'd be up soon." He handed her the mug,  both leaning in for a kiss.

"How long have you been awake?" she took her first sip and let the coffee warm him. It wasn't nearly as good as the old man's but it was better than anything served at the CCG.

"An hour," he grabbed his chin. "Maybe two." The area under his eyes were almost completely black and blue-- his eyes nearly bloodshot.

It had only been three since the dragon operation and Kaneki had been in a coma for two of them, so it made sense for him to look like a train wreck-- but he seemed to be getting more fatigued with each passing day.

"Kaneki you can tell me." Touka insisted.

"Honestly I just feel a little guilty sleeping after doing it for 14 whole days," he laughed.

"Well get as much sleep as u can because in 5 months you get the night shift."

Kaneki smiled, "Gladly."

Touka guided his hand to her stomach, his hand shaking.

"Kaneki?" His hand hovered over her abdomen and remained silent. "Kaneki!"

"I'm sorry what?" his eyes met hers and he let his hand relax to his side.

They remained silent for a moment.

"Are you ready go to Kimi's?" Touka offered. "We have to leave soon to make our appointment."

"Oh yeah, of course."


"Can you get my jacket from the other room?" She offered.

"Of course."

"And stop saying that!"

"Of course." He mocked.

Touka rapidly dials Hide who picked up on the second ring.

~"What's up, Touka?"

"I can't talk for long. Kaneki's acting really strange-- even for him."

~"Oh. I would be two if I almost drown in bodily fluids." He laughed. "I have a meeting all day at the TSC today-- ugh-- but I can come over tomorrow night."

"Thank you so much, Hide."

~"Hey, maybe you can invite Yoriko. We could just watch movies all night."

"Don't you think we're a little old for that?"

~" Soon you'll have something worse than any ghoul running your house consuming all that remains of your social life. Come on Touka live a little. You're already like a shut in housewife."

"How dare yo-"

"I found it!" Kaneki called from the other room.

"Gotta go." Touka hung up.

"Who was that?" 

"Hide. He wants to hang out tomorrow"

"That sounds nice." Kaneki helped touka with her jacket.

"What do you think it will be?" She asked. Touka pulled both of kaneki's hands on her abdomen -- causing his chest to press into her back. His sweater was so soft against her skin.

"A girl" he whispered, holding a little tighter.


"Only girls have the power to bring the world together like this." Touka laughed and gently pushed him away.

"You never change do you?" Kaneki grabbed his chin.

"Yeah," but it was so quiet she couldn't hear.

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