Catching up

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♢"Why is the room blue?" Ayato complained, working with Yomo and Kaneki to assemble a crib.

"Don't even get Ken started."  Touka said organizing all the stuffed animals on a bookshelf with Hinami.

♡ "I like the color. It's calming," Hinami said.

"Thank you Imoto-chan."

"So," Touka said to Hinami. "What have you and Ayato been up to the past two months?"

♡ "Well, Ayato spends most of his day working at the United Front fighting the Dragon Orphans, and he lets me fight alongside him sometimes, but I always end up at the United Front Orphanage. The kids their are so sweet. I've been teaching them how to read and write. It just feels so... right their. So I'll probably just keep helping at the Orphanage and leave the fighting to Ayato. He already started making a name for himself."

"Is that so?" Touka asked.

♢ "I was promoted to Peacekeeper last week so now I command several troops, in addition to my own."

"Wow," Ken said. "Peacekeeper in two months. You're a great leader." 

♢ "Oh shut up Snow White."

"Hey, My hair is getting darker."

"That doesn't matter," Touka laughed. "We're keeping that nickname."

"Please don't"

♢ "Hey snow, do You think you're going to join the United Front? They could use the One Eyed king on their side."

"I already started helping with some paperwork at the TSC, but I won't start until June."

♢ "You're going ten more months without working?! It can't be that hard to raise a kid."

Ken scratched the back of his neck and laughed nervously, "It's taking me a long time to recover from the accident."

♢ "What do you mean? You should be fully healed by now... Oh that's right you're going to therapy, right? Do you really think it will help?"

"I wouldn't have to go if you would have let me drown."

♟ "Kaneki Ken!" Yomo shouted. "Don't say such things."

"It was just a joke."

♟ "It's not funny."

"Y-yes sir."

Touka threw a stuffed animal at Ayato.

♢ "Ow! What was that for?"

"I don't think I ever got to give you a proper beating after you kidnapped my Ex-boyfriend."

Yomo stopped midway threw screwing a nail into the crib.

♟ "Ex?"

"Touka! Stop joking about that. You're going to get Yomo to kill me." He faced Yomo. "Ex-boyfriend, because I'm her husband."

Yomo focused back in the crib.

♟ "Good. If you ever leave Touka I'm going to have to kill you."

"Please do. If I ever leave Touka I will have lost my mind."

Hinami said,

♡ "Aww"

At the very same time Ayato said,

♢"You can't lose somthing you never had." 

"I will break 103 of your bones." Ken warned. 

♟ "Its finished," Yomo said. He lifted the crib upright.

♡ "If I'm Ken's little sister, does that mean I'm about be an Aunt?"

"Of course." Touka worked her way to her feet with Hinami's help.

♡ "How many more months do you have left?"

"Three. Her due date is December 23rd."

♡ "Let's hope she's not born on Ken's birthday." Hinami laughed.

Touka put the mattress in and began to push the crib towards the wall. Yomo grabbed her by her forearm.

♟ "You have to take it easy."

"Calm down, Yomo. I'm pregnant, not sick." In that moment her face went white and she covered her mouth. she rushed to the bathroom.

♢"Not sick, Huh?"

"Oh fuck off."

♢ "You know the baby can hear you swear."

"F**k, D**n, S**t, C**t, A*****e."

♟ "I've never heard that before. Should I get you guys another book?"

"Please GOD NO!" Touka shouted from the bathroom.

Ken smiled. "Yomo, you have done enough for us. We have much more then we could ever possibly need. We got this, but thank you so much for everything. None of this would be hear without you."

Yomo pushed the Crib against the wall. "I think it's done"

Touka walked back into the room and leaned against Ken's shoulder. Hinami hugged his side and he held her at her waist.

♡"It's perfect."


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